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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 26 May 2015 20:28 #13185

After couple days of trying to figure out this issue I have notice and that whenever we create a NEW Contract Asset JCook is not saving the correct id for the Asset_id in to the database.
Our form has the following fields:
1- Contract Number: contrac_id
2- Support Level: support_level_id
3- Asset serial #: asset_id
4- Asset Cost: cost
5- Notes: notes

The component is creating the new Contract Asset but saving an incremental number for the "asset_id instead of using the one from the input field.

I have reviewed my data and it seams to be correct but I can find where the BUG is.
Do you have a phone where to communicate or any other media to talk of share screen in order to solve the problem faster?

Miguel Santana
MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 28 May 2015 20:05 #13187

Any updates on this BUG?

Please let me know

MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 28 May 2015 22:20 #13188

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Hi Miguel,

You must be more precise.
Can you please explain better your problem please.
In case, just give me the Projet / Table / Layout, and I will try to understand your problem.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 29 May 2015 18:58 #13196

Thank you for the information about JCook updateXref method. It took me a while to figure out all the changes needed in order to use JCook methods.

I started using it but I have some problems of possible bugs.

Let me explain my scenario:

We are combining two back-end view in one.
1- View called Contracts: To create a new contract. Where it would be selected the Client and the Vendor, plus other details less relevant for the explanation.
2- View Contract Assets: Designed with JCook platform to add Assets to a Contract. Due to JCook platform limitation is was designed to add one Asset per Contract at a time. However we used JCook to generated a second Contract view called "Contractassets" in order to generate the second Contract form called "contract assets_form.php"

For that reason we are combining the two view in one in order to be Able to create a Contract and at the same time add the respective Assets at one time and for other purposes and benefits to the end user.

check the view images in the attachments with their respective names.

In order to create the combined view I did the following.

1- Forked Contract.xml
1- Created a second fieldset.
<fieldset name="contractassets.form" (using the JCook code generated for the second view in Contracts)
.... original fields used in the 1st view Contract from .....
.... plus new fields used in the second view CotractAssets form.
<field name="asset_id"

NOTE: Double checking. In here, SHOULD IT BE MY VALUEKEY ="asset_id" or "vendor_id" ?

2- Forked /Models/Contract.php
- Function populateObjects
- public function populateObjects(&$item) {
		// Load XRef Assets /* To get all Related Contract Assets
		$this -> loadXref($item, 'assets', 'contractassets', 'contract_id', 'id', null, 'contract.contractassets');

NOTE: This generates and an array of objects with the Assets related to my contract like doing it in the original JCook ContractAssets back-end view created. However is does not give me ALL the assets available for the Contract by Vendor and Client since the original JCook Contract Asset view is 1:1 and let you pick and choose ANY ASSET available regardless of the Contract even though the Contract is related to an exclusive Vendor and Client.

- Function prepareQuery:
- I created the case 'contract.contractassets':
- Is it the same as original case 'contract.contract' since my other field comes from the Xref data and I am creating the table when I click on the add button with JavaScript and JQuery when

- Function save($data) {
public function save($data) {
		 //Convert from a non-SQL formatted date (creation_date)
		 $data['creation_date'] = MycomponentHelperDates::getSqlDate($data['creation_date'], array('Y-d-m'), true);

		 //Convert from a non-SQL formatted date (checked_out_time)
		 $data['checked_out_time'] = MycomponentHelperDates::getSqlDate($data['checked_out_time'], array('Y-m-d H:i'), true);

		 //Convert from a non-SQL formatted date (modification_date)
		 $data['modification_date'] = MycomponentHelperDates::getSqlDate($data['modification_date'], array('Y-d-m'), true);

		 //Convert from a non-SQL formatted date (start_date)
		 $data['start_date'] = MycomponentHelperDates::getSqlDate($data['start_date'], array('Y-d-m'), true);

		 //Convert from a non-SQL formatted date (expiration_date)
		 $data['expiration_date'] = MycomponentHelperDates::getSqlDate($data['expiration_date'], array('Y-d-m'), true);
		 //Some security checks
		 $acl = MycomponentHelper::getActions();

		 //Secure the author key if not allowed to change
		 if (isset($data['created_by']) && !$acl->get('core.edit'))
		$result = parent::save($data);
		if ($result && isset($data['asset_id'])) {
			// Reload the item after save
			$item = $this -> getItem();

			// Update Xref links : Assets  FOLLOWING JCOOK N:M GUILINES
			$model = CkJModel::getInstance('ContractAssets', 'MycomponentModel');
			$model -> updateXref('asset_id', $data['asset_id'], 'contract_id', $item -> id);
		return $result;

NOTES: I noticed that the data from $data generated for my field "asset_id" did not have the same structure as the one generated by the ContractAsset model whenever you go directly to that view and save. After tracing multiple dumps that data passed to "updateXref" (
$model -> updateXref('asset_id', $data['asset_id'], 'contract_id', $item -> id);
) was different that what it was required. Therefore even tried forcing the required data structure by re-building my $data with in the save function before calling updateXref.
Due to this difference I used the Xref to get $data) that let me knows the current Assets already selected for the current contract available by vendor and client. I also generated a $lists that does not get pass to the $data since it is not in the original method for "function loadFormData()". Therefore I used the my $_Post to get the new values inserted as Related Assets for the current contract that are passed to my $_Post in the input fields from the table generated in the view form.

3- Forked Models/ContractAssets.php
- Function preparequery: (Note: this is pretty much the same query used when using the filters search in the back-end with couple more columns);
The main purpose it to gather the Assets related to a Contract by Vendor Id and Client Id since those are the premises in the Contract form.
		case 'contract.contractassets':
				$this->addSelect(	'a.asset_id,'
								.	'a.checked_out_time,'
								.	'a.contract_id,'
								.	'a.cost,'
								.	'a.support_level_id,'
								.	'a.notes');

				$this->addSelect('_contract_id_.vendor_id AS `_contract_id_vendor_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_contract_id_.client_id AS `_contract_id_client_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_contract_id_vendor_id_.vendor_name AS `_contract_id_vendor_id_vendor_name`');
				$this->addSelect('_contract_id_.contract_number AS `_contract_id_contract_number`');
				$this->addSelect('_contract_id_client_id_.client_name AS `_contract_id_client_id_client_name`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_.site_id AS `_asset_id_site_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_.model_id AS `_asset_id_model_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_site_id_.site_name AS `_asset_id_site_id_site_name`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_.serial_number AS `_asset_id_serial_number`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_model_id_.model AS `_asset_id_model_id_model`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_model_id_.product_type_id AS `_asset_id_model_id_product_type_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_asset_id_model_id_product_type_id_.product_type AS `_asset_id_model_id_product_type_id_product_type`');
				$this->addSelect('_support_level_id_.support_level AS `_support_level_id_support_level`');
				$this->addSelect('_support_level_id_.id AS `_support_level_id_support_level_id`');
				$this->addSelect('_checked_out_.name AS `_checked_out_name`');

				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_contracts` AS _contract_id_ ON _contract_id_.id = a.contract_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_vendors` AS _contract_id_vendor_id_ ON _contract_id_vendor_id_.id = _contract_id_.vendor_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_clients` AS _contract_id_client_id_ ON _contract_id_client_id_.id = _contract_id_.client_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_assets` AS _asset_id_ ON _asset_id_.id = a.asset_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_sites` AS _asset_id_site_id_ ON _asset_id_site_id_.id = _asset_id_.site_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_productmods` AS _asset_id_model_id_ ON _asset_id_model_id_.id = _asset_id_.model_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_producttypes` AS _asset_id_model_id_product_type_id_ ON _asset_id_model_id_product_type_id_.id = _asset_id_model_id_.product_type_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_supportlevels` AS _support_level_id_ ON _support_level_id_.id = a.support_level_id', 'LEFT');
				$this->addJoin('`#__users` AS _checked_out_ ON _checked_out_.id = a.checked_out', 'LEFT');

				// Order by Serial number
				$this->setState('list.ordering', '_asset_id_serial_number');
				// Disable the pagination
				$this->setState('list.limit', null);
				$this->setState('list.start', null);

4- Forked /View/Contract/view.html.php:
- Created the new custom view called
echo '<script>var asset_id= '.new JResponseJson($lists['fk']['asset_id']).'; </script>';
- function displayContractassets:
	protected function displayContractassets($tpl = null)
		// Initialise variables.
		$this->model	= $model	= $this->getModel();
		$this->state	= $state	= $this->get('State');
		$this->params 	= $state->get('params');
		$state->set('context', 'contract.contractassets');
		// To get my Related Assets following JCook methods
			$model->setState('xref.assets', true);
		$this->item		= $item		= $this->get('Item');
		$this->form		= $form		= $this->get('Form');
		$this->canDo	= $canDo	= MycomponentHelper::getActions($model->getId());
		$lists = array();
		$this->lists = &$lists;

		// Define the default title
		$this->params->def('title', JText::_('Mycomponent_LAYOUT_CONTRACT_WITH_ASSETS'));


		// Deprecated var : use $this->params->get('page_heading')
		$this->title = $this->params->get('page_heading');

		$user		= JFactory::getUser();
		$isNew		= ($model->getId() == 0);

		//Check out the item.
		if (!$isNew)

		//Check ACL before opening the form (prevent from direct access)
		if (!$model->canEdit($item, true))

		// Check for errors.
		if (count($errors = $model->getErrors()))
			JError::raiseError(500, implode(BR, array_unique($errors)));
			return false;
		$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;

		//Hide the component menu in item layout
		$jinput->set('hidemainmenu', true);

		//Toolbar initialization

		JToolBarHelper::title(JText::_('Mycomponent_LAYOUT_CONTRACT_WITH_ASSETS'), 'mycomponent_contracts');
		// Save
		if (($isNew && $model->canCreate()) || (!$isNew && $item->params->get('access-edit')))
			CkJToolBarHelper::apply('contract.apply', "Mycomponent_JTOOLBAR_SAVE");
		// Save & Close
		if (($isNew && $model->canCreate()) || (!$isNew && $item->params->get('access-edit')))
			CkJToolBarHelper::save('contract.save', "Mycomponent_JTOOLBAR_SAVE_CLOSE");
		// Save & New
		if (($isNew && $model->canCreate()) || (!$isNew && $item->params->get('access-edit')))
			CkJToolBarHelper::save2new('contract.save2new', "Mycomponent_JTOOLBAR_SAVE_NEW");
		// Cancel
		CkJToolBarHelper::cancel('contract.cancel', "Mycomponent_JTOOLBAR_CANCEL");
		$model_client_id = CkJModel::getInstance('Clients', 'MycomponentModel');
		$lists['fk']['client_id'] = $model_client_id->getItems();

		$model_vendor_id = CkJModel::getInstance('Vendors', 'MycomponentModel');
		$lists['fk']['vendor_id'] = $model_vendor_id->getItems();
		// $this->item->assets
		// Related Assets gathered following JCook methods
		// To be used in JavaScript to disable Assets already selected
		// It is been pass as a JSON to the JavaScript
		echo '<script>var contract_assets_id= '.new JResponseJson($this->item->assets).'; </script>';
		// $model_assets_id
		// Related Assets gathered following JCook methods
		// To generate data used in form fields as Related Contract Assets available according to the current Contract.
		// It will get ALL related Assets available by Client ID and Vendor ID according to the current Contract
		// It is been pass as a JSON to the JavaScript
		$model_asset_id = CkJModel::getInstance('Assets', 'MycomponentModel');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect(	'a.checked_out_time,'
									.	'a.client_id,'
									.	'a.model_id,'
									.	'a.serial_number,'
									.	'a.site_id');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_client_id_.client_name AS `_client_id_client_name`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_site_id_.site_name AS `_site_id_site_name`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_model_id_.model AS `_model_id_model`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_model_id_.vendor_id AS `_model_id_vendor_id`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_model_id_.product_type_id AS `_model_id_product_type_id`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_model_id_product_type_id_.product_type AS `_model_id_product_type_id_product_type`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_model_id_vendor_id_.vendor_name AS `_model_id_vendor_id_vendor_name`');
		$model_asset_id->addSelect('_checked_out_.name AS `_checked_out_name`');
		// $model_asset_id JOIN
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_clients` AS _client_id_ ON _client_id_.id = a.client_id', 'LEFT');
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_sites` AS _site_id_ ON _site_id_.id = a.site_id', 'LEFT');
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_productmods` AS _model_id_ ON _model_id_.id = a.model_id', 'LEFT');
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_producttypes` AS _model_id_product_type_id_ ON _model_id_product_type_id_.id = _model_id_.product_type_id', 'LEFT');
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__mycomponent_vendors` AS _model_id_vendor_id_ ON _model_id_vendor_id_.id = _model_id_.vendor_id', 'LEFT');
		$model_asset_id->addJoin('`#__users` AS _checked_out_ ON _checked_out_.id = a.checked_out', 'LEFT');
		// $model_asset_id WHERE
		$model_asset_id->addWhere('a.client_id = '.$this->item->client_id);
		$model_asset_id->addWhere('_model_id_.vendor_id = '.$this->item->vendor_id);
		// $model_asset_id Disable the pagination
		$model_asset_id->setState('list.limit', null);
		$model_asset_id->setState('list.start', null);
		$lists['fk']['asset_id'] = $model_asset_id->getItems();
		echo '<script>var asset_id= '.new JResponseJson($lists['fk']['asset_id']).'; </script>';
		// $model_support_level_id
		// Related Support Levels gathered following JCook methods
		// To generate data used in form fields as Support Level available according to the Vendor in the current Contract.
		// It will get ALL related Support Levels available by Vendor ID according to the current Contract
		// It is been pass as a JSON to the JavaScript
		$model_support_level_id = CkJModel::getInstance('Supportlevels', 'MycomponentModel');
		$model_support_level_id->addWhere('a.vendor_id = '.$this->item->vendor_id);
		$lists['fk']['support_level_id'] = $model_support_level_id->getItems();
		echo '<script>var support_level_id= '.new JResponseJson($lists['fk']['support_level_id']).'; </script>';

NOTE: The "$lists" is the actual field been displayed instead of the one generated by the Xref model and passed to my $data) due to the inconvenient that we need a 1:M relation Contract(1) with Multiple Assests(M).

5- Forked /view/contract/tmpl/contractassets_form.php
- Previous fields are done in the condense mode with JCOOK
- Concerned fields has html created as following:
	// Asset_id FROM XREF MODEL
	$field = $fieldSet['jform_asset_id'];
	$field->jdomOptions = array(
		'list' => $this->lists['fk']['asset_id']
	<div class="control-group <?php echo 'field-' . $field->id . $field->responsive; ?>">
		<div class="control-label">
			<?php echo $field->label; ?>
	    <div class="controls">
			<select id="jform_asset_id" name="jform[asset_id][]" class="element-filter" >
							<option value="" ">- Select Support Level -</option>
							<?php foreach ($this->lists['fk']['asset_id'] as $option) : ?> 	
								<option value="<?php echo $option->id; ?>" > <?php echo $option->serial_number; ?></option>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
			<button class="addvalue" type="button">Add value</button>
			<button class="addall" type="button">Add ALL</button>
	<div id="table-assets">
		<table class="asset_id"><caption>Contract Assets list</caption>
				<th>Serial #</th>
				<th>Support Level</th>
				<th>To do</th>
				<?php foreach ($this->item->assets as $asset) : ?>
					<tr id="<?php echo $asset->asset_id; ?>">
						<td><input type="hidden" name="jform[contract_asset_id][]" value="<?php echo $asset->asset_id; ?>" readonly>
							<input type="text" name="jform[asset_serial][]" value="<?php echo $asset->_asset_id_serial_number; ?>" readonly>
						<td><input type="text" name="jform[asset_type][]" value="<?php echo $asset->_asset_id_model_id_product_type_id_product_type; ?>" readonly></td>
						<td><input type="text" name="jform[asset_model][]" value="<?php echo $asset->_asset_id_model_id_model; ?>" readonly></td>
						<td><select id="jform_support_level_id" name="jform[support_level][]">
							<option value="" ">- Select Support Level -</option>
							<?php foreach ($this->lists['fk']['support_level_id'] as $option) : ?> 	
								<option value="<?php echo $option->id; ?>" <?php echo ((($option->id == $asset->_support_level_id_support_level_id))? 'selected':''); ?>> <?php echo $option->support_level; ?></option>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
						<td><input type="text" name="jform[cost][]" value="<?php echo $asset->cost; ?>"></td>
						<td><input type="text" name="jform[notes][]" value="<?php echo $asset->notes; ?>"</td><button class="remmovevalue" type="button">Remove value</button></tr> 
				<?php endforeach; ?>

1- Following the N:M guidelines that you have does not work since my $data does not recognize the new input fields generated. Therefore when it is been passed to the updateXref it does not save the correct info(just the asset id in the ContractAssets table).
How can I solve this?
2- By using the original JCook back-end "Contract Asset" view to create a 1:1 relation for a contract with one Asset the Asset Id been save in the ContractAssets table in not the correct one. The number been save is an auto-increment number. Please check the respect images for visualisation of the error.
- Image name "Jcook_Original_Contract_Asset_view" There you would see the Contract Asset to be save with the details in the notes field showing the "asset_id" that should show up in the database after been save.
- Image name "Jcook_Original_Contract_Asset_view_after_saving" Here you would see that the Contract Assets was saved but the Asset Serial number is NA instead of the one that suppose to be saved. This is due to the asset_id number discrepancy or ERROR.
- image name: "Jcook_Original_database_table_Contract_Assets" This show the data that is was save in the database for the info related in the previous images. As you would see the "asset_id" is not "18" like it supposed to be. It saved "asset_id=154".
Please fix the BUG to save the correct "asset_id" in the JCook Original Contract Asset View.
3- What would it be the best procedure to avoid having two variables in the function save($data) method?
Variable 1: $lists that passes to $data as $data since it is on me original fields.
Variable 2: $_POST The input from the table generated in the view form. This the actual data that needs to be saved in order to save the Contract:ContractAssets relation (1:M).

I also noticed some spelling issues:
Initialiase ->Initialise (in function preparequery)
formated -> formatted (in /models/ function save)
MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 29 May 2015 19:11 #13197

Just in case:
Projet: somthing like Storage App. The only one under my profile.
Table: contractassets
Layout: default for Contract asset view.

Please let me know ASAP since I could work over the weekend trying to catch up after this delay.
MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 01 Jun 2015 14:36 #13208

Hello Chef.

Do you have any updates on this issue about not been able to save the correct info into the database?
I notice this topic is one of the most viewed but no one has posted anything.

Please let me know.

MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 03 Jun 2015 13:40 #13221

Hello Chef. :whistle:

Do you have any updates on this issue about not been able to save the correct info into the database?
People keep looking at this post and no one has posted anything

Does any body has any comments?

Please let me know.

MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 03 Jun 2015 13:55 #13222

Hi Chef. :whistle:

Could you please let me know if at least you got enough information about the issue?
I would like to know if you are on the case.

I understand that managing and maintaining cook is a massive undertaking for one person and as such I am not expecting an immediate repair. But it would be great to know that the issue is being acknowledged.
MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 03 Jun 2015 21:22 #13225

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Ok, I am really sorry, but you case is too complex for me to have a closer look.

If you are asking for help in coding inside, I can help, but please let me some time to understand because your case is complex, and it is not a support ticket. Nor a troubleshooting, as far as you started to fork.

Also, the functions concerning Xref are going to evolve a little bit after the Cross reference features will be released.

Few things I can say from what I saw.
- When you use JResponseJson() it is not the best I think. Why don't you simply use json_encode() ?
- 1:1 is not supported with the given functions for the moment. So I cannot furnish you a ready to go solution.

What does your avatar mean ?
Coding is now a piece of cake

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 04 Jun 2015 14:50 #13238

Hey Chef.

Thank you for your response.

My mayor concern was that even trying to use the "Contract Asset" back-end view originated with JCook (not the one custom build by me) is not saving the actual value of the asset_id in the database. That is my major concern. It is saving an auto-increment number.

Can you PLEASE PLEASE take a look of the issue? Just use the mentioned view and then check the values in the database for the asset_id saved. Follow the images attached so you can see the "asset_id" in the option that you would select and then compare with the value saved in the database.

Thank you

MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 04 Jun 2015 14:56 #13239

Sorry I forgot to mention that the avatar image does not really mean anything. I just google for and cracked egg image since you used a craked egg image for JCook objects. That one was free and funny so it caught my eye. It also matched my initial days doing a reverse engineering process to get down to the details of how Jcook methods works since we are planning to keep using Jcook and build our custom components with Jcook base.

When I get more time I will have my designers to get me a better cracked egg that evolved in a Super Egg. LOL

Hope you understand but this project have me busy and I got the first image that I liked.

MS - Lyquix

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 04 Jun 2015 15:54 #13242

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'asset_id' is reserved name.

rename this field for something else.

By the way, check your table #__assets in your DB and search for the auto-generated asset_id keys.
You will be surprised, lol

I will prevent this name to be used in the builder.
Thank you for this catch
Coding is now a piece of cake

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BUG saving the correct ID for a NEW ITEM 04 Jun 2015 15:58 #13243

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