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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 27 Jul 2016 21:02 #14336

Hi Admin,

When I use a time field, it is not possible to enter seconds on the form. Even when format is set to hh:mm:ss, it just show hh:mm

PTL: Test - Table1 - Item

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 02 Aug 2016 11:11 #14344

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Should be better now.

the format was i:S instead of i:s
If you have set a format for the datetime in the builder, you will need to set it again because it might have keep the previous value unless you save the properties again.

Sorry, it was my fault after the last upgrade of the dates.
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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 02 Aug 2016 18:00 #14349

Well, now I can see the seconds in the collection view, but I am still not able to enter the seconds in the item.
Also, in the item I see no seconds.

So it is better, but not that much :D

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 02 Aug 2016 18:06 #14350

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Strange. I tested only in back-end.
Will check again.
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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 09 Aug 2016 21:37 #14411

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This is fixed and working, confirmed.

-> BUT you need to open the properties of your field and save again because it has saved the wrong format.
That's the only thing.
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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 13 Aug 2016 13:51 #14420

Hi Admin, sorry but it is NOT fixed.

When I go to the Item1 of Table1, I still can not enter seconds.
The seconds are correctly shown in the collection view.

I changed the time field to inherited and saved, then back to hh:mm:ss again.
Still not able to enter seconds in the time field.

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 13 Aug 2016 13:53 #14421

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Ok, sorry.
This is strange.

I will fix it promise.

Moved in tickets.
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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 13 Aug 2016 13:55 #14422

It is not a very high priority to me, no worries :)
But I now have to change it via de sql manager :lol:

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 24 Aug 2016 18:11 #14475

I tried this both in latest stable and beta by the way.

- I have a default which has seconds. I can see them in both collection and item view.
- I can not select them to edit, also, when pressing the X, the seconds disappear.

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 17 Jan 2017 13:27 #14953

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Found (Sorry for late answer)
This is because HTML5 time input do not accept seconds.
I will furnish the normal text input field back again in a future rewrite of fields.

this will come with the fields rewrite. Coming soon it is already in the works.
JDom will disapear from the fields and returning to a native Joomla way.
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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 17 Jan 2017 19:07 #14954

ok, great :)

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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 26 Feb 2017 15:59 #15012

Good afternoon :)
After some investigation, the solution is very simple: Just add step="1" to the html5 input :)
I have manually added this to the librabries/jdom/html/form/clock.php and that works!

Not the best place and I will find a better place, but that was a proof of concept :)
Maybe you can add step="X" to a value appropiate to the format entered in the builder?
- step =1 will allow hours, minutes and seconds
- step= 60 will allow hours and minutes
- step = 3600 will only allow hours


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Not possible to enter seconds in time field 27 Feb 2017 11:25 #15013

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Fantastic !

It still remains a problem... HTML5 is not supported by all browsers.
So these HTML5 controls will be available only with an option.
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