Hello I have 2 errors on a collection (list) display :
First error : wrong field in ORDER
Unknown column '__itm_device_types_id__.name' in 'order clause' SQL=SELECT a.id,a.alias,a.description_tt_fr,a.description_tt_nl,a.itm_bill_id,_itm_bill_id_.bill_reference AS `_itm_bill_id_bill_reference`,a.itm_device_types_id,_itm_device_types_id_.name AS `_itm_device_types_id_name`,a.itm_manufacturers_id,_itm_manufacturers_id_.name AS `_itm_manufacturers_id_name`,a.name FROM #__jslsitmanager_devices AS a LEFT JOIN `vs4go_jslsitmanager_bills` AS _itm_bill_id_ ON _itm_bill_id_.id = a.itm_bill_id LEFT JOIN `vs4go_jslsitmanager_devicetypes` AS _itm_device_types_id_ ON _itm_device_types_id_.id = a.itm_device_types_id LEFT JOIN `vs4go_jslsitmanager_manufacturers` AS _itm_manufacturers_id_ ON _itm_manufacturers_id_.id = a.itm_manufacturers_id ORDER BY __itm_device_types_id__.name ASC LIMIT 20
the error is on the order clause : __itm_device_types_id__.name
Testing the SQL request changing "__itm_device_types_id__.name" with "_itm_device_types_id_.name" (without double "_"), works
Second error : the "ordering direction" is always setted to "ASC"
I don't know if this is a correct solution (will this code breaks jcook logic ?) but I made a "partial" solution to both problems ?
I have installed the component on a local joomla for debugging.
I have forked 2 files :
first file : list.php
The problem : 2 underscore into orderby
original : ~/administrator/components/com_jslsitmanager/classes/model/list.php
forked : ~/administrator/components/com_jslsitmanager/fork/classes/model/list.php
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
class JslsitmanagerClassModelList extends JslsitmanagerCkClassModelList{
protected function applySqlStates($query)
//Populate only uniques strings to the query
foreach($this->getState('query.select', array()) as $select)
foreach($this->getState('query.join.left', array()) as $join)
$query->join('LEFT', $join);
foreach($this->getState('query.join.inner', array()) as $join)
$query->join('INNER', $join);
foreach($this->getState('query.join.outer', array()) as $join)
$query->join('OUTER', $join);
foreach($this->getState('query.where', array()) as $where)
if (is_array($this->getState('query.restrict')))
$restrict = $this->getState('query.restrict');
if (count($restrict))
$query->where("a.id IN (" . implode(',', $restrict). ")");
$query->where("a.id = -1"); // Return nothing (restricted all)
if (is_array($this->getState('query.exclude')))
$exclude = $this->getState('query.exclude');
if (count($exclude))
$query->where("a.id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $exclude). ")");
// GROUP BY : Native SQL Group By
foreach($this->getState('query.groupBy', array()) as $groupBy)
// GROUP ORDER : Prioritary order for groups in lists
foreach($this->getState('query.groupOrder', array()) as $groupOrder){
//echo 'groupOrder : ' . $groupOrder.'<br>';
foreach($this->getState('query.order', array()) as $order){
/* HERE IS THE PROBLEM : 2 underscores(_) instead of 1
rapid and ugly solution : remove them hardly
$order = join('_', explode('__',$order));
//echo 'order : ' . $order.'<br>';
//echo $query->dump();
second file : orm.php
The problem : the direction always setted to ASC
original : ~/administrator/components/com_jslsitmanager/classes/model/orm.php
forked : ~/administrator/components/com_jslsitmanager/fork/classes/model/orm.php
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
class JslsitmanagerClassModelOrm extends JslsitmanagerCkClassModelOrm
* Ordering directive.
* @access public
* @param array $config Ordering configuration.
* @since Cook 3.1
* @return void
public function order($config)
foreach($config as $namespace => $dir)
/* HERE IS THE PROBLEM : $dir is lower cased ('asc', 'desc'), so $dir will be always converted into "ASC"
Rapid and ugly solution : uppercase the passed "$dir" parameter
$dir = strtoupper($dir);
if (!in_array($dir, array('ASC', 'DESC'), true))
$dir = 'ASC';
$fieldAlias = $this->tableFieldAlias($namespace);
// Requirements
$this->model->addQuery('order', $fieldAlias . ' ' . $dir);
I hope this will help to find a solution.