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Modal Error appearing in Administrator 17 Jan 2017 04:48 #14951

I am getting the following error when opening an administration view in a test component. :S

[code]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '

I have selected SQL Queries "Exploded" as I want to use the SQL queries as they used to be, not as ORM condensed prior to downloading for testing.

Component : csstesting in builder.

Really would like to get on with testing some scripting and CSS so I can apply my learnings to my bigger components... :(

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Modal Error appearing in Administrator 17 Jan 2017 12:39 #14952

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The line 984 of the ORM class is inside the queryDump() function.

Do you use this function in your forks ?
This function is never called by a fresh generated component because it is a debug function.
So you might have something wrong somewhere.

In the sandbox ?
Modal error ? Can you explain better ?
Did you tried fresh without forks ?

Moved in the correct category
(Fatal Error > New tickets)

About CSS (simply sharing)
I am not expert in CSS. This is not my field of professionalism because I am more oriented on databases, but I instance the basis for your component and try to make it open for CSS customs.
HTML5 / ARIA / LESS... some lacks.
I consider it is not really Cook Job because every developer uses its own methods (and templates frameworks) and I don't want to impose anything.
I am currently rewriting fields, and I see that Joomla do not implement HTML5 for fields because it is not supported by all browsers. I would like to apply the same policy, making cross browser is more importent than having a standing UI.
Question of choice.
But in the next years, when Cook will implement all the basis, I will maybe propose more features for layouting HTML, custom CSS and jQuery plugins for amazing UI experience.
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Error appearing in Component Administrator 18 Jan 2017 04:38 #14955

Hi Chef, happy new year. Answering your questions below

Do you use this function in your forks ?

: No the component was a clean component

In the sandbox ?
Modal error ? Can you explain better ?
Did you tried fresh without forks ?

Hi No , it worked fine in the sandbox - ( by Modal error I was just repeating the error message should of said model , sorry spelled incorrectly. please ignore this

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/safer180/public_html/templating/administrator/components/com_csstesting/classes/model/orm.php on line 984

The component had no forked functions added. Simply clean upload to a clean and current joomla website
The error appeared when in my sites administrator and was opening the "template select" view from the components control panel .

-- hope that helps. happy to give you access to the site if you want to see what is happening..

Thanks for moving my post . I always rush these things and forget to change the category/section

On the CSS thing

I'm no expert in CSS either, long time ago used dreamweaver and did lots of CSS, but I mean a long long time ago.
So this little component was my option to play and re teach my self some CSS tricks and see what the results look like live on a Joomla site.
Being a bit of an Oldie I just take a bit longer than the young ones who can read code inside out so was looking for a shortcut aka my suggestion on CSS for JCook. :huh: So I understand it is not a priority. Can't blame a guy for asking :lol:
I will continue to work on CSS and will get where I need to be.

Hope you can get to the bottom of the error.

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Error appearing in Component Administrator 18 Jan 2017 12:11 #14956

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Better you send me your component (forks not needed) (contact _AT_ j-cook DOT pro)
Because I don't understand the line number.
What says the line ?
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Error appearing in Component Administrator 20 Jan 2017 23:33 #14958


Hopefully it makes sense.

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Error appearing in Component Administrator 21 Jan 2017 16:12 #14959

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What is your Joomla version ?

This error comes from the call of queryDump()
$obj->FROM = $query->from->getElements()[0];
Where do you use it ?

queryDump() is interracting with a Joomla Query class, so I guess on a retrograde version it is different. I need to know your Joomla version in order to be able to do the fix.
You can also try by yourself in the queryDump() function. (ORM Class file)
Dump the Joolma Query object and extract the SELECT statement as it should normaly do.

I tested on last 3.6.5 and it works perfectly.
Try again, I have written some variable checks to protect against fatal, but it would certainly not fix your problem.

I cannot say more at the moment.
Check and re-check your tests. because first of all, you may be using queryDump() to enter on that line, so that's strange.
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Last edit: by admin.

Error appearing in Component Administrator 22 Jan 2017 02:37 #14960

Hi the version of Joomla is Joomla! 3.6.5 Stable 1-December-2016 22:46 GMT
I have added no additional code to this component. Simply downloaded as a zip and installed it onto a brand new joomla site.
Using the most current JCook version.

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Error appearing in Component Administrator 22 Jan 2017 02:42 #14961

Hi the issue must be in your new latest build as I have gone back one JCook version 3.0.10 and it now works. So will use this for now.

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Error appearing in Component Administrator 22 Jan 2017 09:54 #14962

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3.0.10 is without ORM, so this is normal that it works because the concerned file does not exists.

1. Please go into this function queryDump()
and dump the query var.
echo("<pre>"); print_r($query); echo("</pre>");
Then copy here what you get.

2. Secondly, do a entire search for queryDump() in your component because It is not possible to enter a function that is not called.

3. What is your PHP version ?

4. In case that nothing works, just delete all the contents of the queryDump() function and do not use it.

I am gonna close this ticket because Cook has no problem here. Check and re-check your code please.
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I'm playing around with the new mvc and the FORK feature is FANTASTIC!!! it's saving me a lot of time! you are doing a very good job!!

Tomaselli (Forum)  

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