Hello everybody,
It has been such a long time. Cook has been so helpfull but i was working on other project styles the last months.
Jocelyn, hope you're doing ok, i miss our long mails about the world

Now I'm back on cook, i'm designing a new project and have trouble with cacading combobox.
Project : Kustom
Table : Projects
Layout = All
Without any modifs, even in sandbox, i got a sql error about some
Unknown column '_projectartisan_.screenname' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT a.id,a.creation_date,a.hits,a.projectartisan,_projectartisan_.screenname AS `_projectartisan_screenname`,a.projectbanner,a.projecttitle FROM #__demo13748_projects AS a LIMIT 20
Has the builder changed that much that i can"t do it the way i used to ?