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[FIXED] Error SQL on rebuilt 10 Feb 2012 06:50 #1222

When i want "Run in sandox" with joomla 2.5 i have : Table '[DATABASE].[PREFIX]demo1825_selsections' doesn't exist SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo1825_selsections` (`id`, `params`, `section`) VALUES (1,'',''),(2,'','test');

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Error SQL on rebuilt 11 Feb 2012 13:05 #1238

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Another topic has been opened for that.
Your message is not the same, but it occurs for the same reason.

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Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 14 Feb 2012 13:38 #1286

Hi everybody,

After the first problem I have had regarding the time, (see trouble shooting : Regular expression for time) I disregard it till I will have an advise to solve it.
BUT now I cannot use the sandbox any more. I have an error :

Unknown column 'to_time' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo2539_ticket` (`id`, `params`, `date`, `to_time`, `pilot_s_name`, `backseat`, `mission`, `area`, `callsign`, `a_c_nbr`, `z_max`, `iff`, `landed_`) VALUES (1,'','2012-02-13',0,0,0,'swp','def','SNIPER 21','85','1050k','4450',NULL),(2,'','2012-02-13',NULL,0,NULL,'if','cdud','TAMIM','','250_5k','4452',NULL),(3,'','2012-02-13',NULL,2,NULL,'ghif','def','TAMIM 23','','010k','4453',NULL),(4,'','2012-02-15',NULL,0,NULL,'ghif','ef','TIGER 12','','010k','4463',NULL);

For me the update of Refresh files list has, maybe, been made partially. I do erase to_time table. For me the table do not exist anymore.
When I download the component it is working very good within a local website.

Can you make a reset somewhere else ?

By the way, is it possible to upload a component made with COOK inside the cook software ? Thus I can clean everything by myself and start again uploading the previous version component ?

Thank you for your help.

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Re: Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 14 Feb 2012 14:46 #1296

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Yes, I am currently harldly working on this stuff.
It happens after renaming, but I cannot understand and bound the issue yet.

There is a way to pass over. Described few times on this forum.
-> See : www.j-cook.pro/forum/25-faq/1181-dataset-restore-unknown-column
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Last edit: by admin.

Re: Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 14 Feb 2012 16:27 #1305

I am having similar errors when trying to run in sandbox now. I have tried all solutions to this but nothing is working could you please remove any database entries so that i can continue to develop this and run in sandbox.

Unknown column 'notes__remarks' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo2511_regulators` (`id`, `params`, `model`, `reg_number`, `st_stage_serial_number`, `nd_stage_serial_number`, `octopus_serial_number`, `service_date`, `notes__remarks`, `_month_inspection_alarm`, `_year_inspection_alarm`) VALUES (1,'','341234',2147483647,2147483647,1234123412,2147483647,'2012-02-22','glikyhgbdkhbgf lh gbl adhg igb iluhgblik asgliuhg lifgh liuhgf oi g;euqrg; oqh gr;ouhq ;rgh qo ;qeouh; uhrgkhq ;orhqg qer\r\ng qe\r\ng qer ghlkqeg \r\nqerg oqrhu gqe\r\nrg p\r\nqegoqegh; qerghqerghqkerj gh;qurh g;qejgbkqejrbgkq\r\ncrap','2012-08-14','2013-02-14');

Unknown column 'notes__remarks' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo2511_compressors` (`id`, `params`, `manufacturer`, `model`, `filter_system`, `service_date`, `notes__remarks`, `_year_service_alarm`) VALUES (1,'','bauer','435y21o3475ybjhbvdsjdhv jsd','ygjhdsg sajdhfgkajs','2012-02-14','f ;kuqglfhgbajk hfg laugf liagf ljagiywg liygb uragbflu sk,yr65zxk 77txc ,xyi65 x hgvygch jvjbfcjyfh gnkgv kuhgn nkigv yutgun vnuyg uircf798 ih i7exe4z232s5rf87 \r\ngtrtyjb dtjbyrtybtyvycw g sdgsf gsdgs fg sdg shrt hsths htr','2013-02-14');

My address in the sandbox is:

Brilliant system by the way!

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Re: Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 14 Feb 2012 16:48 #1306

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Welcome to the community.

Can you please describe your last changements :
- in the tables aliases
- int the fields aliases

Changes ? Remplacing by the same name ? Renaming ?

Please give ONLY informations about theses last operations.
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Re: Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 14 Feb 2012 17:10 #1310

I had added and removed a number of fields from the tables, assuming that it would have erased the stored details when recreating the sandbox later. Unfortunately it would seem some of the info stored in the database is faulting the system.I cant remember all the names as it was a small redesign.

Could you please erase the stored data in the database

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Re: Unknown column, sandbox is U/S 15 Feb 2012 14:21 #1313

Exactly the same for me.

I did the operation here under :

It stops on the last step, but your component is installed in sandbox.
Go to the sandbox manually (bookmark the Sandboxes URLS)
Find your empty project and add at least ONE entry.

Regenerate your component.
It passes. but you lost your current dataset.

I have still the same problem :
Unknown column 'pilot_s_name' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo2539_ticket` (`id`, `params ...

So now I just go back to SANDBOX using the bookmark I did, thus I'm able to check my component.

Thank you for your help.

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Last edit: by thierry.

Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 17 Feb 2012 12:18 #1352

For some reason i was able to save a field name with a space character
and on rebuild the data restore fails
have renamed the table field just need my data removed from the sand box so that i can rebuild my tables

maybe the option to install "fresh" could be an option for when restore data fails

by the looks of it i will not be able to run in sand box at the moment until my data table is removed

could you please remove the following so that i may continue...

Unknown column 'Record Category' in 'field list' SQL=INSERT INTO `[PREFIX]demo2649_recordcategories` (`id`, `params`, `Record Category`, `description`,

i also noticed that the field name with a space character could also be saved on a foreign key but got to that one before i uploaded my first run

thanks in advance

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Re: Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 17 Feb 2012 14:20 #1354

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I do not remove manually until you try this tip :


It is an opened ticket.
Lot of people has having this trouble and I do not find it.
I trough have to go on with others jobs, so please understand it will be resolved as the others issue, but it take time...

Stay in touch.
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Re: Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 19 Feb 2012 01:24 #1377

Hi followed link
followed directions to input data

have input new data record in each table
upto 3 records per table still no change

-i have changed the name of the field "record category" - notice the space
- failed to restore with new field name "record_category"
- i have removed the field together from the table

i can tell you
- visiting from book mark and adding at least one data record doesnt work
- i have added up to three new data records in ALL tables in the project - still fails
- when visiting from book mark there is no record in the tables
- the data values that it is trying to restore is from when i first posted the problem
- the data that it is trying to restore is NOT what is entered into the fields in the sandbox

thanks in advance

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Re: Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 19 Feb 2012 08:33 #1379

Used flush data button and it rebuild straight away thanks for implementing flush data

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Re: Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 19 Feb 2012 16:48 #1384

BTB300 wrote: Used flush data button and it rebuild straight away thanks for implementing flush data

everything back to normal for me.

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Re: Field Name - Stored with a space -restore issue 08 Aug 2012 15:21 #3071

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The data restoring has been completely changed since 1.5

This ticket is now fixed.

If a restoring process fail, the issue will be another, so please open another ticket.
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I jumped and started to work on a demo component... but 2 days later this demo component became the real component. I just showed today the end result to my customer and he turned to me and said... "this is more than I expected"... All of this is because Cook did cut about 70% of my work and provided me more ways to improve the usability of the component. The end result was 17 tables all related between than to generate a full dashboard for the travel agents. Thanks for Cook developers for such great tool. This component would not be possible to be done at short time with all the features in it
Griiettner (Forum)  

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