Ok, so far I'm loving it!

Works differently than I expected but I am coming to terms with it.
My only issue is with fully understanding the ACL's in relation to Published state.
If I Configure "allow" View Own, and Edit Own, the user cannot Add. So, I add 'Create' to the list, seems ok, but keep getting Error Messages: You are not authorised to view this resource. Or Not authorised to delete.
So it gets confusing.
This is how I 'think' it works: (please correct me if I have missed anything)
1. In J-Cook component Table - Add the Author wizard.
2. It creates a Field for me 'Author' in the Table.
3. In my FrontEnd Collection and Item I have ensured that the Publish field in present and 'Published' (1) by default. Otherwise record wont show. (Obviously - as not published).
4. Download Component.
5. Install Component in my J2.5 instance.
6. Select Components: 'my component name'.
7. Click on Options / Permissions.
8. For the required Group (I use Registered as a default) change Settings to (as required) View Own, Edit Own, Delete Own. (What about Create?) As example (of mine) Any new clients that Register then Sign On will be in the Registered Group.
Only they can Add a Quote, Edit their own quote, and Delete their own quote (as well as View only their quotes).
9. Create my Menu Item to Link to the Front End view - Collection (i.e. My Quotes).
10. This should then allow the Registered user to A) View,

Add, C) Edit, and D) Delete their own Quotes.
At least that's what I think anyway, a little tired today. Please clarify Yes or No to above steps, and if No then what have I missed in relation to getting Error messages on ACLs. (No permissions to Edit, Delete..)
Lastly, but not least - Odd: My Rich Text fields x 2 have 'lost' their WYSIWYG Editor ability, just get an outlined box and it ignores JCE which was working.
Thank you Jocelyn!