I've followed the code, and it appears that "target" is allowed, and considered along the way for some functionality somewhere, but I don't understand where/how to specify that I want the link on the grid to open a new window.
<?php echo JDom::_('html.fly', array(
'dataKey' => 'access_code',
'dataObject' => $row,
'href' => "index.php?option=com_sips&view=playlists&layout=iapplaylists&Itemid=137&accesscode=abcdefg",
'target' => "student"
In this example, the user (Professor) is creating "Access codes" which should be used in the link to open a new window showing another view so that the professor can "test" the access code they just created and see how the end-user(the student) will see it .

Kinda never mind...not sure if this is by design, but using "_blank" instead of a named target, it worked as expected.