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created_by , modified_by, and joomla user fields. 01 Jun 2013 14:47 #7271

I am using the Joomla 3 Sandbox and there are two instances of com_gnosis. Neither instance of com_gnosis is the version I am currently working on.

I wanted to test the created_by and modified_by fields which do not seem to work properly. If I open up either of these and drag the "username" fields to the page layout I get numbers, instead of usernames. When i open up the properties on those fields in the page layout, both fields indicate "Modified By/Createdby > Last visit date" regardless of which of the subfields I drag.

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Last edit: by lander083077. Reason: better identify the issue in subject line

Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 01 Jun 2013 14:48 #7272

..and BTW, I think this component creation tool is fantastic. Can't wait till June 15th to get started!

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 02 Jun 2013 06:14 #7273

The sandbox is working correctly now. I still can't figure out how to get the username to show on on a page layout for the modified_by and created_by fields.

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 02 Jun 2013 21:14 #7278

I'm seeing the same problem. Not matter what field from Joomla user I drag into my view, It's being added as: Last visit date field...

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 03 Jun 2013 12:50 #7290

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When errors occurs in installation, sometimes Joomla is not able to ininstall correctly.
It happens the menu appears two times... Languages files are not loaded in this menu...

This is caused by an installation problem.
When your issue is fixed and the component is installable, you must anyway wait for the next cleaning of the sandbox and all is coming back in order.
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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 03 Jun 2013 12:55 #7291

guessing this only explains the multiple instances of component but not the issue with the joomla user as explained.

When I drag e.g. Joomla username into my view in builder, then it is rendered as "last visit date field" no matter what I do...

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 03 Jun 2013 12:57 #7292

Thanks for your reply. Can you tell me about the status of the created_by and modified_by fields? When dragging any of the subfields to view, only the last visit date field displays.

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 03 Jun 2013 13:51 #7295

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One of the issues I have to check now is this one of the FK users.

Yes, It is still open.
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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 04 Jun 2013 05:22 #7309

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Are you sure that your fields are linked in the wizzards ?Please check this.

In beta, if you recreate the FK and wizzard, all is working correctly.

There is here an issue that I cannot resolve.
Users Fk must be recreated in some cases. did you tried ?

Anyway, on 15th on June, you will be able to keep your changes on the beta, and at this moment recreate the users FK and respectives forms / filters.

I changed a lot here because, as well as acceslevels table, those fields are now considerated and treated as real FK. On previous version it was treated as a special field.
So, the field path is totally different now.
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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 04 Jun 2013 09:20 #7317

I am having a little difficulty understanding you.

I tried creating a project from scratch, neither of those fields are working. Its possible that I don't understand how they are to work, but I can get a regular FK to work just fine.

What exactly do you mean by "linked in the wizzards?" In a regular FK, for example, If I wanted to link to a category table, I would just drag the category table to the foreign table field. The joomla users table is not listed to drag.

In this next image, you'll see that when I drag any of the subfields, for example, "username" to the view, I still get the "Joomla user > Last visit date" instead of username.

Is it possible, that we simply do not have have access to the joomla user table?

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Last edit: by lander083077.

Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 04 Jun 2013 10:19 #7318

Could you provide step by step instructions, on getting the created_by/modified_fields to work? All I want to do is provide the username of the creator/modifier of a record. At this point I am not sure if the functionality is broken, or I simply don't understand how to do it.

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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 04 Jun 2013 10:51 #7320

I just tested this with 2.0 beta and below, and created_by, modified_by, and joomla user fields/wizards work correctly. So it appears I understand how to make it work. It is only 2.5 beta that those fields/wizards are not working.

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Last edit: by lander083077.

Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 04 Jun 2013 11:12 #7321

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When I tell you to recreate, you can also try to recreate the fk in the table.
Not only the references to it.

This issue will disapears totally after ther 15th of June.
For the moment I must keep this issue.
It is not really solveable. Long work for nothing.

Thanks to understand.
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Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 25 Jun 2013 02:22 #7640

This issue still happens in the latest version of the builder too.


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Last edit: by vivek.

Re: Multiple Instances of component in the Sandbox 28 Jun 2013 01:31 #7731

This is one of the critical piece for my component and I couldn't work around this by any other method.

Can you please help me?


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Although I found this tool some time ago I just started learning experimenting and building this first component on Monday and now on Thursday afternoon it's already online. Although I already had a working version done with another tool this is much easier to build and at the end you have the freedom to own your own component. Once you know how to use Cook you will boost your productivity as the learning curve is really moderate compared to many other tools.
Giori (Forum)

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