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upload dir... 30 Jun 2018 12:14 #15596


I might miss something obvious but I have setteled my upload dir at : [IMAGES]/myfolder

Of course, myfolder exists and is writtable.

But pictures are still uploaded in the default directory : [COM_SITE]/files/...

Is there somethnig else to do for the pictures to go in the right folder ?

Thanks in advance,

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upload dir... 04 Jul 2018 11:09 #15598

Well, I feel very lonely in this forum...

I still face this upload directory problem. I su'rely do something wrong somewhere.

Do I have to empty the current folde first ?


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upload dir... 06 Jul 2018 14:07 #15599

Tried on a fresh new install and the original folder remains the target folder when I upload a picture...

Any idea ?

Admin are you there ?

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upload dir... 06 Jul 2018 19:05 #15600

I haven't actually used that in one of my components, so I a sorry I can not be of any help

[edit]I think I did somewhere, I have put /images/myfolder in the component settings[/edit]

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Last edit: by Romkabouter.

upload dir... 07 Jul 2018 11:10 #15601

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The upload folder is defined at the level of the uploader instance. You might see it in the JDom parameters of this uploader you want to edit. (Template file)
(Your web application can be using different upload directories in the same time)

Then, you can also have a look on the top of /helpers/file.php
it contains usefull security parameters...
Hope it helps.
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Last edit: by admin.

upload dir... 10 Jul 2018 09:49 #15603

Sorry, you lost me... :(

What is the settings for? If you need to dig in the code to change the target folder accordingly ?

Best regards,

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Last edit: by Frederic.

upload dir... 05 Aug 2018 11:50 #15605

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I had exactly the same issue with my first component...

This trouble comes when you start to reccord Datas BEFORE save our own Params. Then the component create default Folder : [COM_SITE]/files/ and store images here (ifexists function)
With a fresh install of your component, if you first set your Images Folder, it works fine.


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Last edit: by liubov.

upload dir... 27 Aug 2018 12:34 #15607

Hi Marc,
Thank you for your help.
I did try to setup before uploading on a fresh install but problem remained.
For the moment, I use the default folder... :(

Best regards,

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