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Mime type error when uploading any file type.. 09 Feb 2020 17:06 #15787

Getting the following error on one of my components. Have set mime type to Application/PDF but it does not want to do the upload.

Mime type not valid (application/pdf; charset=binary), allowed Mimes are application/pdf :

UPDATE: Actually none of the upoads are working.

Using current stable Builder and Joomla 3.9 -This is affecting a sale to a prospective client.

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Last edit: by jonathanbell. Reason: Add image

Mime type error when uploading any file type.. 12 Feb 2020 18:41 #15788

I have checked PHP versions on my server and tried 7.1 - 7.4, updated to the latest Joomla version 3.9.15. No fix so far. I have tried in the sand box and what do you know it works. Sandbox version is 3.8 but not sure if that also means Joomla 3.8 - Does the builder need updating for 3.9? Please respond. Is anyone else having this problem?

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Mime type error when uploading any file type.. 17 Feb 2020 21:35 #15789

Have tried this on another server and have no problems. So sorry, looks like a hosting problem with the way it is set up. config or php.ini file or other settings to check on.

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Let me first state that this is an amazing and fascinating product exactly what I was looking for. In just a few hours (listening to the very well made and clearly understandable videos learning doing) I completed and installed my first component. I am now in the second refining phase. I will make a recommenation in JED. Thanks for the effort in creating such a great product. Incidentally some of the best Joomla extension I use are of French origin !
Giori (Forum)

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