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Admin Interface - Bricks Position 06 Oct 2011 17:00 #137


On the component I'm making, I was able to add Classes to create a better user interface. It was easy to me, because I already know the classes to be added. I was wondering, if it is possible to add those options on the property box of the bricks... for instance...

Lets pretend I have 3 Bricks One is Fly, so it will display some info about the item and I want it positioned on the right side 40%, so I used the classes "width-40 fltrt".

Than I have another brick called Parameters and I also want it positioned on the right side 40% again "width-40 fltrt".

At the end I have my main brick, that will hold the editing of my item and it bill be positioned on the left side 60% and the classes would be "width-60 fltlft".

So.. the final result would be
<div class="width-60 fltlft">
	<fieldset class="fieldsform">
		<legend>Main Brick</legend>
<div class="width-40 fltrt">
	<fieldset class="fieldsform">
		<legend>Info Brick</legend>
	<fieldset class="fieldsform">
		<legend>Params Brick</legend>

If I made myself clear, I'm suggesting to add the option to choose the side and size in % of the brick
Paulo Griiettner

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Re: Admin Interface - Bricks Position 06 Oct 2011 17:09 #138

Complementing my previous post...

Would be nice, to have as well, the option to choose if the <fieldset> can be generated as Tab Panel or Slide Panel, so it can have those nice effect other extensions have...

For Slide Panels the code to be used is:
<?php echo JHtml::_('sliders.start','id-sliders-'.$this->item->id, array('useCookie'=>1)); ?>
<?php echo JHtml::_('sliders.panel',JText::_('SLIDE_PANEL_TITLE'), 'details'); ?>

    Content goes here

<?php echo JHtml::_('sliders.end'); ?>

For Tab Panels:
<?php echo JHtml::_('tabs.start','id-tabss-'.$this->item->id, array('useCookie'=>1)); ?>
<?php echo JHtml::_('tabss.panel',JText::_('TAB_PANEL_TITLE'), 'details'); ?>

    Content goes here

<?php echo JHtml::_('tabs.end'); ?>
Paulo Griiettner

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Re: Admin Interface - Bricks Position 07 Oct 2011 12:15 #159

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This functionality will come with the layouter.

The bricks will have positions like common templates (top, teft, bottom-left...)

For the tabs, this is brillant idea. We take note.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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Last edit: by admin.

Re: Admin Interface - Bricks Position 21 Apr 2012 08:18 #2096


With griiettner's sample, it's very easy to implement it manually! :)

Thank you very much,


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Last edit: by Frederic. Reason: typo

Re: Admin Interface - Bricks Position 22 May 2017 20:16 #15149

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This is what you call a component builder. I was able to master using this in a very short time and the resulting component works like a charm. Not just a basic component builder but a fully working component builder with forms fields tables all ready to go. You can make the list and item views to display in the front and back end. Also there is a great forum just starting to evolve and I'm sure this will grow very rapidly when you all realise how good this tool is.
Kevin (JED)


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