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[ADDED] Save Button for JQuery 21 Jun 2012 14:13 #2605

The save button on the front-end item view of my component doesn't work when I download the component and install it on a site. But when i have been testing/making the component on the j-cook website the save button has worked fine every time. please help... my component is finished apart from this one major problem!

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 22 Jun 2012 12:54 #2613

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Did you tried with the default Joomla Template (Atomic)

It is for sure a javascript error.

Your component is using js/formvalidator.js which overload the functionalities of the native weak formvalidator.
Try to empty the file (keeping it), and see if it is working. (maybe not sure)

Active the JS console to see where your error is.
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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:28 #2638

Hi thanks for the reply I have done what you have suggested and whilst this does allow the callender picker to work (which also wasn't before) the save button is still doing nothing my js errors are saying "document.formvalidator.submitform is not a function" any ideas really need this to work now.

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:44 #2641

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Is it 1.5 component ?
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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:47 #2642

the js error if i leave the formvalidator.js blank is el.getProperty is not a function.

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:47 #2643

no its for 2.5

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:48 #2644

sorry that second error is if formvalidator is not blank

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 09:55 #2646

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el.getProperty() is a MooTool function.

What JS framework is your template using ?
Can you include MooTools without conflicts ?

You should be able to use another framework if you rewrite inside js/formvalidator.js of your component.
Functions : getValue(), getLabel(), ...

js/formvalidator.js is needed for a clean and nice form validation wich is still not handled by native Joomla.

Hope it helps.
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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 10:14 #2647

Hi the template i am tring to use it on is jsnDome im trying to find out what framework it uses now but i do know that it uses a js/css compression technique, could this be to do with it? i am rather unsure who to use another framework within the formvalidator.js any help or guiding would be very much appreiciated. cheers

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 10:17 #2648

I just found this in the template documentation:

"It utilizes built-in Joomla! MooTools Javascript library so there is no need to integrate any other Javascript framework."

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 11:10 #2649

Any further help towards what I'd need to change in the code i really dont know anything about implementing diffrent frameworks?

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 11:33 #2650

Ok so i've fixed it, not an ideal fix but it works. I added a plugin called "jQuery Easy" to the website and tweaked the settings and eventually it worked. namely for the front end I turned "strip no-conflict mode" to "No" and "Add No Conflict Code" to "Thru script". This seemed to do the job.

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Re: Save Button not working on front-end of component 25 Jun 2012 11:54 #2651

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I think it is because your website was using some JQuery conflicting MooTools.
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Re: [SOLVED] Save Button not working on front-end of component 01 Jul 2012 13:32 #2725

Can I just add an observation on this. I am experiencing the same issue. Installing the jquery plug-in has not fixed the issue for me. I have been downloading free templates whether I can save forms while using them, and 9 out of 10 templates on joomla24 do NOT save. If this jquery issue emerges with so many templates, perhaps its time to take a look at making the javascript in j-cook a little bit more agreeable with jquery.

I'd be interested to know how many others are experiencing this issue or whether it is something particular to the setup of only a few of us.

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Re: [SOLVED] Save Button not working on front-end of component 02 Jul 2012 10:24 #2730

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This is a good suggestion.

Now, I will investigate more.
Maybe for the V2.0

I really appreciate all efforts of the community. In answer to your requests and high interrest, I promise you to do something.

Stay in touch.
I move this topic in 'New functionalities'
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