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SELECT / checkbox instead of radio in Item 13 Mar 2013 19:09 #6940

Hi... I creating something like user givin acces... but it shows onli Radio / combo / list ... can I have a checkbox? so I can select more than one item (radio only allow to check one item)

here is the img, the object of this is to do a foreingkey field can store multimples access (id)
is it possible?

Usign v2

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Last edit: by soportedo. Reason: adding info
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Awards for the best Joomla app. This product is gonna win an award for this amazing job. Cook Self Service is the the best application from all over the Joomla universe ! It brings Joomla to a professional level really advanced for developers. It is a real fun to develop with it. The ACL part and security checks implementation are just... so much hours saved. I can now concentrate myself more on the design part and the creative works. Thank you so much. Guys I offer you all my congratulation ! Keep up the works because Joomla is needing it to increase the quality of extensions availables on the JED. I also learned a lot because I can see how to code at the proper place and I found all my answers reading the forum.
lack_hanson (JED)

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