In My opinion Wiki's are the devils work.

I just dont like them at all for documentation.
I think the biggest problem with the current tutorial is that there is no clear goal. Its simply "Do this", Then "This", and then "this" and put this code here... At no time did I understand "why" i needed to write all this code in a tool that is supposed to build my component for me. There is a language issue as well, it hasnt translated that well from French (Who ever did it speaks far better french than I can - but its still feels "clunky") and is why, for me, I got so lost I simply gave up trying to follow it.
I would structure the documentation around a "project" (as it is) but i would first explain What Cook can do, and cant do, in terms of the finished component and explain why there must be some manual modification to the code. Then guide the user through the steps explaining "WHY" each step is required before showing "HOW" to do it. At the moment only the "HOW" is there.
I think having the zip files is a great idea - BUT - evn they were out of sync as things had been done in the sample files that wernt in the documentation. Which made me think id missed a step or done something wrong and again left me feeling more confused and lost.
Of course - once I have finished building my component - I will spend about 10 minutes on the documentation and it will be perfect