Hi, I bought the subscription just few weeks before and I've never developed Joomla components before, so sorry for such a noobie question.
I have three tables: Containers, Folders and Documents. Every Folder has its own kontainer (foreign key) and everz document has its folder (foreign key). On Folders and Documents grid view in frontend i have filters which filter Folders by containers and Documents by Containers and Folders.
What I am trying to do is to have a link from a line in Containers grid to the Grid of Folders filtered by the Container. And the same thing for Folders and Documents.
I tried searching this forum, but couldn't find any sollution that would work in Joomla 3

And because the filters don't change the URL, I can't link them directly
Also I haven't been able to add menu item which would link to a specific Folder filtered by Container, althought it should work since few verzions of j-cook before.