Sorry but i can't do it!
admin wrote: 1) Did you checked the chmods on your directories ?
2) Your component try to create the 'files' directory in the /compoents/my_component/files (front-end)
... and also a sub directory named 'mytable_myfield'
3) you can customize where to write the files, but if didn't you changed anything, it should be these paths.
4) Try also to create these directories manually.
5) Try to debug the line to see wich directory tried to be created.
1) Yes has default values for all directories as a default jomla installation.
2) I have manually created the directory.
3) What cahnges i have to do for customize my component so it uses default joomla images folder ?
4) I created the directory and give them full permisions even in Everyone!
5) In debug it gives me too much of Noticies that i don't know from where to begin...
I need to finish this ASAP,
Thank you in advance.