Hi all,
@BTB3000 have you managed to achieve this in anyway?
I'm planning on implementing this using an open source jQuery/AJAX script/widged called OpenJSGrid that allows this kind of functionality. In the past I've managed to get it into some custom pages but not inside an MVC structure. I'm not 100% sure how I might go about this yet although my initial thoughts were to create a JDom class to handle it - more eloquently put by admin as "an abstraction layer" or "bridge" to the class.
Anyway, I'd welcome any input on what might be the best way to proceed with this!
I briefly discussed this in another post here yesterday so, in the interest of keeping the thread going, here is the relevant info and links from that post:
Code/Setup Examples here with a Free/Opensource download from the site
Video Demonstration of it in action (youtube playlist)
- Obviously, feel free to watch them all but, if you're short of time I'd recomment watching one of the first videos (should see version numbers in the titles), then jump through to one of the later ones...
Essentially, it is a php class file (about 80 lines or so) and a collection of methods for creating a JS grid to display tabular data ideal for list views - although this is not a joomla thing as such. It only requires that you have jquery & jquery ui libs loaded + the grid.js ... Then, to implement it, one just has to have a 'view' file for the ajax data (the sql query) say, 'myview.ajax.php' and in the html output something as simple as;
- JS
The beauty of it comes when you can specify editable cells that obey various different formats such as date (cal picker), I even got a progress bar on each row pretty simply.
Example of editable grid with maxlength from db
- I was using it in a very raw way as described on the site, i.e. outside of the joomla framework but wonder, how easy would it be to transform the class file for inclusion in a COOK component to go get a model list view dynamically? Presumably a new JDom class would be the way to go here???
- Would it be of any interest to you to integrate this into the core cook functionality?
Best wishes,