Hi @nvinfotech,
Whilst I've never written a search plugin, I've seen the convention which is pretty straight-forward...
What version of J! have you written it for?
Mostly, I've found with any plugin development, when they seem to do nothing, most often, the class naming has been done incorrectly... Well, on a quick check of the documentation that you linked to it seems that both J2.5 & J3.2 versions have forgotten to add 1 very important thing!:
The class signature

class PlgSearchDojomanager extends JPlugin
Basically, you need to paste the following
after the require once statement:
class PlgSearchDojomanager extends JPlugin
Then, place another closing brace at the end of the file:
That should do it... Do check the naming conventions to be sure though. If in doubt, switch on error reporting and I'm sure you'll see the class/file and line number that is the issue.
Hope it helps,