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Multilingual filter 05 Sep 2018 06:25 #15608

Hi every one !
Lets say, we have a category table with the following fields :
- id
- title (default field)
- title_en
- ...

I would like to show title or title_en field in the filter combo depending on language selected by the user.
For the moment, I found a few tricks but none of them works completly...
What would be the best way to do it ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,

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Last edit: by Frederic.

Multilingual filter 09 Sep 2018 18:39 #15609

So, Admin are you there ?

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Multilingual filter 21 Sep 2018 12:36 #15610

So I feel very lonely here... :(

Any idea welcome !

I search the forum but it did not help.


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Last edit: by Frederic.

Multilingual filter 23 Sep 2018 19:10 #15611

Hi there,

I do not think you want to add a field for every language you need ;)
How is this category table filled? Is it a table you have in your component?
And can an item be in only on or more categories?

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Multilingual filter 25 Sep 2018 07:20 #15612

Hi Romkabouter,

Thank you for your answer, I feel a bit less lonely.

This project is stricly bi-lingual. You are right, having a text field for each language would be crazy otherwise.

Yes, the category table is inside my component and its contents change very often so using a language INI file is not a solution...
And Yes, an item is related to only one category.

What do you suggest ?

Best regards,

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Last edit: by Frederic.

Multilingual filter 25 Sep 2018 18:30 #15613

I don't know how much of a developer you are, but read about forking your component here:

In the view of the items there is probably something like
		$filters['filter_XXX']->jdomOptions = array(
			'list' => $modelXXX->getItems()
for the categories. (I do not know your code, so try to find it yourself)

That "list" needs to get filled with either the title or title_en, you can do that by overriding your model.

Can you post some screenshots of your builder or folderstructure? I can then give better pointers as to where to change things :)

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Multilingual filter 28 Sep 2018 16:48 #15615

Hi Romkabouter,
Thank you for your help. Maybe, I am not so far from the solution...

Here what I have done :
Forking the view :
// Catégorie > Titre
		$modelCategory = CkJModel::getInstance('categories', 'Cmp18Model');
		$modelCategory->set('context', $model->get('context'));
		$nomFiltre = ($lg == 'fr') ? 'filter_category':'filter_category_en';
		$filters[$nomFiltre]->jdomOptions = array(
			'list' => $modelCategory->getItems()
Forking the items having a category field to filter on, I modify the models/forms/object.xml that way :
<field name="filter_category"
				class="span-2 element-filter"

		<field name="filter_category_en"
				class="span-2 element-filter"

In the model categories.pfp file, I forked the prepareQuery function to order the query on libelle or libelle_en field depending on the selected language.

With these modifications done, I am able to get the filter combo for category filled with the selected language and it is well ordered... Great ! but...

What is not working... :(

In English, when a filter is applied, the combo box does not display the selected value as it does in french...

Any idea ? Or another way to do it ?

Best regards,

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