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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 28 Feb 2019 12:13 #15677

  • dyvel
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I have 2 tables, teams and students.
Then 2 pivot tables, turnups and teamstudents

On my teams item page, I’m listing the pivot table teamstudents. All of this is working.
Now I would like a button next to each student, and when clicked it should add data to the turnups table.

I’m a bit stuck here

My button looks like this
			<?php echo JDom::_('html.link', array(
			 'commandAcl' => array('core.edit.own', 'core.edit'),
			 'content' => 'Turnup',
			 'num' => $rel->id,
			 'task' => 'team.turnup'

Controller -> team.php
protected function turnup($data = array(), $key = id) {


Model -> team.php
public function turnup($data) {

I have tried to create a send mail in controller and model function, but nothing happens, so I’m guessing the functions are never really called. What I’m I missing?

Any help is appreciated.

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Last edit: by dyvel.

Call function within fly page for each pivot item 14 Mar 2019 21:00 #15679

  • admin
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Did you got sorted out ? since then ?
Coding is now a piece of cake

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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 02 Apr 2019 07:23 #15695

  • dyvel
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admin wrote: Did you got sorted out ? since then ?

Almost, but not completely.
I have made my button look like this:
<a href="/index.php?option=com_cphdans&task=team.registerturnup&team=<?php echo $this->item->id; ?>&id=<?php echo $rel->id; ?>

This will trigger my team controller where I have a function called registerTurnup. This works.
But, my main issue now, is I'm redirected to a page without content instead of staying on the same page as the button.

I have tried a redirect back, but can't get HTTP_REFERER value in my controller function, so not sure how to solve that....

This is my function as of now:
$data = new stdClass();
		$data->student = JRequest::getInt('id',0);
		$data->team = JRequest::getInt('team',0);
		$data->date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("now"));
		$db 	= JFactory::getDbo();
		$sql = 'SELECT id FROM #__cphdans_turnups WHERE team = '.$data->team.' && student = '.$data->student.' && DATE(`date`) = CURDATE()';
		// Brug loadResult() hvis der kun forventes en værdi
		$result =  $db->loadResult();
		if (!$result) { // insert timestamp			
			$result = JFactory::getDbo()->insertObject('#__cphdans_turnups', $data);
		// TODO - GET THIS RIGHT...............................................................................................................
		// redirect user back to referring url
		$url = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
		$this->setRedirect('/timeregistrering/team/team/391-hold-1'); // should be $url, but it is empty...
		// TODO - GET THIS RIGHT...............................................................................................................

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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 02 Apr 2019 07:29 #15696

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BTW, the notification mail for your answer landed in my spam folder. Looked at the message headers and found this: Arc-Authentication-Results: ⁨i=1; mx.google.com; spf=softfail (google.com: domain of transitioning This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. does not designate 2a01:7e00::f03c:91ff:febb:96e4 as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=support@j-cook.pro⁩

Looks like you need to add that IPV6 in your SPF DNS record
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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 09 Apr 2019 23:42 #15711

Hi Dyvel
why do not you do it in ajax if you have to stay on the same page? you make a call to your controller.yourTask to load or save datas. it's more fluid for the user and your server.

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Last edit: by Nicolas.

Call function within fly page for each pivot item 09 Apr 2019 23:58 #15712

A note appart, you're using the deprecated JRequest::getInt(); where you should be using
$input = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
$country_id = $input->getInt('country_id', 0);
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Last edit: by Nicolas.

Call function within fly page for each pivot item 10 Apr 2019 05:59 #15713

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Nicolas wrote: Hi Dyvel
why do not you do it in ajax if you have to stay on the same page? you make a call to your controller.yourTask to load or save datas. it's more fluid for the user and your server.

Hi Nicolas

AJAX would be a better solution, I agree.
But I'm not sure how I should do it with AJAX.

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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 10 Apr 2019 08:27 #15715

For your buton you can try something like
<a id="yourId" class="btn btn-info btn-default"><i class="icon-joomla icon-joomla"></i> <?php echo JText::_('IF_YOU_NEED_A_TEXT'); ?></a>

And i don't know how you wanna take your datas and how you wanna use these, but your can call an ajax.post like :
     type: "POST",
     data: {
           '<?php echo JSession::getFormToken()?>': =1,
           'student': yourStudentValue,
           'team': yourTeamValue
     success: function(data){
          //Do something on sucess ans reload same page

hope this help

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Last edit: by Nicolas.

Call function within fly page for each pivot item 23 Apr 2019 07:09 #15723

  • dyvel
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Hi Nicolas

Your post really helped me getting ajax posting to work. Thanks.
For reference, I ended up with this:
	function registerTurnup(student) {
			type: "POST",
			data: {
				'id': student,
				'team': <?php echo $this->item->id; ?>
			success: function(data){

And my button:
<a onclick="registerTurnup(<?php echo $rel->id; ?>)" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-align-right uk-margin-bottom-remove"><?php echo JText::_('CPHDANS_FIELD_TURNUP'); ?></a>

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Call function within fly page for each pivot item 23 Apr 2019 12:49 #15725

Hi Dyvel
if everything works well it's great.
Thank you for sharing
I hope it will help other cooks

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