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How to filter based on a relation in ORM 23 Apr 2019 12:14 #15724

  • dyvel
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in my prepareQuery in my model I have this

// LOAD Indstructors (N:m relation)
$this->orm->relation('indstructors', array(
	'select' => 'first_name'

$this->orm->filter('indstructors.user_id', array(
    'value' => $userid,

Problem is, my filter is not working. Im getting this error: 0 Unknown column '_indstructors_.user_id' in 'where clause'

How can I create a filter, based on a value from a relation table?


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How to filter based on a relation in ORM 23 Apr 2019 21:53 #15726

Hi Dyvel
Sorry for my answer time, on my phone it's more complicated to answer with a code

You are in the model, so the ORM system is simpler.
link to docs : ORM Système → Relations→ Nested queries

I don't know your tables, but you can do something like this:
	'select' => array(
		//add the FK spaceName for instructors
	'relation' => array(
		//'relationModel' => selectArray
		'indstructors' => array(
			'select' => 'first_namename'
	'filter' => array(
		// Filter by FK
		'instructors.user_id' => array(
			'type' => 'fk'

think about changing nameSpace or relation name. I don't know your tables
It should work.


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