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A sublist on a detail / item page 13 Mar 2012 16:15 #1590

I planned to create a very simple Club-Component for a local sports club here, since JoomLeague for example is not running in Joomla 2.5. So I tried it via j-cook. Everything went fine. Several tables and the whole backend with clubs, teams, players, players-per-team, seasons etc. were created in very short time. And everything worked well.

But now, creating the front-end views, I come to my programming limits. I do not have problems to create the standard way of Joomla, so like this: A List-Page with a link to the detail page.

But this would mean the following situation:

- Page 1: A list of the existing teams
- Page 2: The detailed team-page width f.e. a photo and a short description and a further link to a third page with the players
- Page 3: The players of this team
- Page 4: The detailed players-page

But I want to merge Page 2 and Page 3. So that first the team-details are shown and below a list of the players, which are part of this team.

With j-cook this is obviously not possible, since there is a strict distinction between grid- and detail-layouts. But maybe there is a relative simple possibility of merging two layouts/models/views?!?.

If not, this would really be a pity, since I would not go on to create further on this component. 4 pages is just too long and too complicated.

But nevertheless: This might be an interesting function in general to be included in j-cook in the future.

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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 14 Mar 2012 07:52 #1596

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Yes it is possible.

First, please simplify your question. I don't need to known all this.

Just ask me if it is possible to merge layouts froms different views/tables.


Extract and merge all the source code placed in the VIEW.HTML.PHP files of the concerned layouts.

I mean : the display_xxxx() function are the calls of the objects for the layout.
Just concentrate on this part and try to understand who to merge with others layouts.

-> Copy the layouts (tmpl) in this tmpl directory
-> Add the objects initializations in the VIEW.HTML.PHP
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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 14 Mar 2012 07:53 #1597

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And coming as soon as possible,

The N:N functionality...
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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 14 Mar 2012 09:05 #1598

Thank you. I only wanted to make it easier for others to understand what I mean exactly with merging tables/views.

I have tried for an hour now to get it work. But for the copied part (grid) he cant get data, so the filter is empty and when I activate the grid, it is empty too and the pagination shows an error message.

It's not urgent, so I will wait, until either you have made a tutorial about this or you have integrated this functionality.

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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 16 Mar 2012 16:45 #1618

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Many-to-many relations will be the cherry on the cake.
For sure it will be available in few months.

But I have a lot of beta test to do because it is very complex !!!
Coding is now a piece of cake

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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 20 Sep 2012 10:11 #3799

Did you solve your problem ? I'm having the same challenge now :)

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Re: A sublist on a detail / item page 20 Sep 2012 10:19 #3800

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Would be really helpful to me too

Thanks again for this awesome service!!

Need help with your Cook/Joomla Project? . PM me to find out what I can help with. NO time wasters please!!!

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Freakin' Awesome!!! J-Cook is simply awesome - whether you're a highly experienced developer or complete novice whether you're building a small inventory component or a complete community solution! The beauty comes from a fast slick and reliable platform that readily provides developers with everything they'll need to build the backbone of a solid and secure component with wizards for authoring access publishing aliasing created/modified by dates... you name it COOK provides it! J-Cook really surpasses all of the 'competition' as far as MVC tools are concerned! Try love it and get cooking!
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