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Javascript duplicates fields in form 14 Mar 2012 20:44 #1605

  • etc
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I am filing a form with data. I would like to add another one or more set of fields in the same form and then
save it all in one step.

for example:

in my views/../tmpl/myfile.php

I put this script (adds input file field):
<script language="javascript">
fields = 0;
function addInput() {
if (fields != 3) {
 document.getElementById('entireform').innerHTML += "<input type='file' value='' name='fields[]' /><br />";
 fields += 1;
 } else {
   document.getElementById('entireform').innerHTML += "<br />Only 3 upload fields allowed.";


this continues with native j-cook code
<table class="admintable">

			<td align="right" class="key">
				<label for="entry_date">
					<?php echo JText::_( "TRAINING_FIELD_ENTRY_DATE" ); ?> :
				<?php echo JDom::_('html.form.input.calendar', array(
												'dataKey' => 'entry_date',
												'dataObject' => $this->xyz,
												'dateFormat' => "%Y-%m-%d",
												'required' => true,
												'validatorMsgRequired' => "VALIDATOR_ENTER_THE_DATE",
												'validatorHandler' => "datetime",
												'validatorMsgInfo' => "VALIDATOR_ENTER_OR_EDIT_THE_DATE"


The javascript script above is called by:
<input type="button" onclick="addInput()" name="add" value="Add another field" />

So the question is whether it is feasible in this way to duplicate the fields?

Need to replace:
<input type='file' value='' name='fields[]' /><br />


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Last edit: by etc.

Re: Javascript duplicates fields in form 16 Mar 2012 17:02 #1622

  • admin
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Very good question.
Not thinked about for the moment.

Let's fill a JS var with the result of a JDom call as template to reproduce.
var inputTemplate = "<?php echo(JDom::_('html.form.input.calendar'.....)); ?>";

Then, search and replace what you want inside.

I am not sure about the JS calls that JDom produce in the output headers.

To my opinion, don't use JDom for that. (the more easy, and make sense)

OR :
Extend the JDom framework for JS dynamic instances... :-)
Coding is now a piece of cake

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