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In Admin - open image in lightbox 06 Jul 2012 10:16 #2765

Hi all,

I have an image upload field that I dont want to preview in the admin without clicking on the file name (above the browser box) and opening in a light box.
				<?php echo JDom::_('html.form.input.file', array(
												'dataKey' => 'image_production_1',
												'dataObject' => $this->fundentry,
												'size' => "",
												'target' => "modal",
												'root' => 'http://localhost/components/com_entry/files/fundentries_image_production_1/',
												'indirect' => true,

I have added the paramaters as indicated above, the new ones being target, root and indirect. The image name text is now linked and opens a lightbox but image is not found!

I tried adding the full URL to the root parameter but this still doesnt work!

Any ideas?

Best regards,

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Last edit: by kristianharmer.

Re: In Admin - open image in lightbox 06 Jul 2012 12:35 #2766

OK, I have the following in place now and it would work fine with the exception I cannot seem to put the file path into the URL; the file name is there though!
				<?php echo JDom::_('html.form.input.file', array(
												'dataKey' => 'image_production_1',
												'dataObject' => $this->fund,
												'size' => "",
												'preview' => 'modal',
												'root' => 'projectfolder/components/com_fund/files/fund_image_production_1/'

This outputs:
<a class="modal " href="chrysanthemum-1.jpg" rel="{}">chrysanthemum-1.jpg</a>

...notice no path!

Any ideas? Best regards,

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Last edit: by kristianharmer.

Re: In Admin - open image in lightbox 07 Jul 2012 09:10 #2768

Still stuck on this - any pointers would be very much appreciated... :whistle:

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