Hi @gdpodesta,
gdpodesta wrote: Sorry, I may have mis-stated what I meant - the "Message" I'm referring to is the informational one that would be used to describe what is expected in the field. In my case, they all appear in a green "bubble". I think your answers are about the validation error message.
Yes, @VeCrea was correct in your requirements...
VeCrea wrote: Styling happens :
In your administrator/components/your_component/css/validationEngine.jQuery.css
In your administrator/components/your_component/js/jQuery.validationEngine.js
Check out the screenshot:
It displays me having right-clicked on the green message to view the element's style information. As you can see (full screen), the source code beneath the admin page are the div id's and classes that you will find in your .css file (in VeCrea's msg above). With a bit of css modification you can place them where you like. Also, as VeCrea suggests,
VeCrea wrote: and maybe this, a couple of lines lower
autoHidePrompt: false,
// Delay before auto-hide
autoHideDelay: 10000,
You could change the delay properties of the box too...
Also, where VeCrea suggests making the modification:
VeCrea wrote:
validationEventTrigger: "blur",
You might try
focus instead of blur which should make the message appear only when the user enters (focuses on) a field.
For more help with jQuery related stuff, I would suggest checking out their docs:
Hope this helps,