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[SOLVED] How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 14 Jan 2012 09:24 #974

  • etc
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I have a table exercises which I would like to display in frontend. This works well. Now I need to add coding for displaying data of logged in user. There is function inside models/exercises.php:
	function _buildQuery_exercises()
    $user =& JFactory::getUser();  // I added this line
    $query = ' SELECT a.*'

	. $this->_buildQuerySelect()

	. ' FROM `vs4go_training_exercises` AS a '
	. $this->_buildQueryJoin() . ' '

	. $this->_buildQueryWhere()
       . ' WHERE `a.user_exercise` = $user->id'   // I added this line. user_exercise is column where is saved user's id

	. $this->_buildQueryOrderBy()
	. $this->_buildQueryExtra()

	return $query;

Any idea how to correctly build this functionality?
thanks for any help

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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 14 Jan 2012 10:51 #983

  • admin
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Of course I have an idea...

$this->_buildQueryWhere() instance the "WHERE" keyword, so you cannot write it a second time.

before the call :
$this->_where[] = "`a.user_exercise` = " . (int)$user->id;

Or this
$this->addWhere("`a.user_exercise` = " . (int)$user->id)
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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 15 Jan 2012 08:25 #1000

  • etc
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Nice, thanks.

After a few tests works this:
. $this->addWhere('`user_exercise` = ' . (int)$user->id)

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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 04 Mar 2012 04:46 #1502


I have tried to use this code to set 'where' limitations on my model but am receiving the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method SwauniversitiesModelUniversity::addWhere() in /home/.../com_swauniversities/models/university.php on line 170

The code I have added is marked below.

Also, I know that I have perfectly good working Query strings which i have added and I could use
$query = "SELECT a.* FROM #__swa_universities AS a WHERE uni_id='$uni'";
to perform the whole request but I would like to understand the Cook system more and how to build the models using the JOIN and WHERE code already in the component.

Any suggestions welcome.

function _buildQuery_university()
		//get user id
		$dbo =& JFactory::getDBO();
		$user =& JFactory::getUser();
		//get uni of president
		$query = "SELECT uni_id FROM #__swa_user WHERE mambo_id='$user->id'";
		$uni = $dbo->loadResult();

		//get the university id
		$query = "SELECT id FROM #__swa_universities WHERE uni_id='$uni'";
		$uniid = $dbo->loadResult();

			$query = 'SELECT a.*'
					. 	$this->_buildQuerySelect()

					.	' FROM `vs4go_swa_universities` AS a'
					. 	$this->_buildQueryJoin()

					. 	$this->_buildQueryWhere()
//CODE ADDED TO COOK COMPONENT (the below is line 170)
					.   $this->addWhere('`#__swa_universities.id` = ' . $uniid)
					.	'';

		return $query;

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Last edit: by antzog.

Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 04 Mar 2012 10:17 #1505

  • admin
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There is no 'addWhere()' function in an Item model.
It is based on object ID.

If you want it, just overload the _buildQueryWhere() function.
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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 05 Mar 2012 18:14 #1506

Hi, thanks for your reply.

By 'overload the _buildQueryWhere() function' do you mean I should add my 'WHERE' parameters within this function:
function _buildQueryWhere()
		$where = array();

		$app = &JFactory::getApplication();
		$option	= JRequest::getCmd('option');
		$view	= JRequest::getCmd('view');
		$layout	= JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');

		$baseUserState = $option . '_' . $view . '.' . $layout . '.';

		$where[] = 'a.id = '.(int) $this->_id;

		return parent::_buildQueryWhere($where);

I have read etc's previous post and see that they input a line similar to this:
. $this->addWhere('`uni_id` = ' . $uniid)

Can you advise where I should place that in the function. Should it be after this line?
$where[] = 'a.id = '.(int) $this->_id;

Sorry for having only a basic understanding of the code, I learn a bit more everyday thanks to Cook!

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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 16 Mar 2012 22:17 #1634

Any help welcome...
This is more a lack of php knowledge than anything else i think... I need to somehow set the 'Where' option but I cannot work out where ETC's code would go in the model file. This is my simple buildQueryWhere function.

What can I do to make the function select only the data where one of the table fields being selected 'uni_id' = $uni_id ?? I have tried so many combinations but nothing seems to work...

Good Karma and Thanks to whoever can assist!
function _buildQueryWhere($where = array())
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$option	= JRequest::getCmd('option');
		$view	= JRequest::getCmd('view');
		$layout	= JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');

		$baseUserState = $option . '_' . $view . '.' . $layout . '.';

		return parent::_buildQueryWhere($where);

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Last edit: by antzog.

Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 19 Mar 2012 14:34 #1667

  • admin
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I think this one is good :
	function _buildQueryWhere($where = array())
		$app = &JFactory::getApplication();
		$option	= JRequest::getCmd('option');
		$view	= JRequest::getCmd('view');
		$layout	= JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');

		$baseUserState = $option . '_' . $view . '.' . $layout . '.';

//INIT $uniid HERE
// ....

		$where[] = 'a.uni_id = ' . $uniid;

		return parent::_buildQueryWhere($where);

Should be working.
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Last edit: by admin.

Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 19 Mar 2012 14:37 #1668

  • admin
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//get uni of president
		$query = "SELECT uni_id FROM #__swa_user WHERE mambo_id='$user->id'";
		$uni = $dbo->loadResult();

		//get the university id
		$query = "SELECT id FROM #__swa_universities WHERE uni_id='$uni'";
		$uniid = $dbo->loadResult();

This is not optimized query. Merge these two in one.
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Re: How to work with function buildQueryWhere() 27 Mar 2012 07:46 #1737

I got this working for my project matching the user id to the added_by field (I had to call the JUser otherwise $user->id was returning NULL)

My next challenge is to add a WHERE ... OR .... clause to a query

What I have at the moment is
function _buildQueryWhere($where = array())
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();
		$db= JFactory::getDBO();
		$option	= JRequest::getCmd('option');
		$view	= JRequest::getCmd('view');
		$layout	= JRequest::getCmd('layout', 'default');

		$baseUserState = $option . '_' . $view . '.' . $layout . '.';

		if (!isset($this->_active['publish']) || $this->_active['publish'] !== false)	$where[] = "a.publish=1";

		return parent::_buildQueryWhere($where);

This checks whether the category is published and then includes it. I'd like to override this with an OR. There is a field in the categories table called 'added_by' which includes the id of the user who added it. I'm used to normal SQL, but not Joomla database way of doing things. What I'd like is something that will have this effect:

...WHERE ('publish' = 1 OR 'added_by' = $userid)... or ...WHERE ('publish' = 1 || 'added_by' = $userid)...

So that it is included even if it's not published only if it is that user's own category

How can I do this? I'm fine getting the user id into a variable, but how to I add a WHERE..OR.. clause to the model above?

Many thanks


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