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many to many field not showed : little js bug ? 20 Feb 2016 11:50 #13832


In a component, I have created a many-to-many table for 2 others tables, and when I want to get the "many-to-many" field in a form of one of these 2 tables, it is not displayed in "pages > fields".

How to reproduce :
  1. Create 2 tables : table1 and table2, for them, create backend pages
  2. Create 1 many to many table : table1_nn_table2 with the 2 "Foreign key", one foreach related tables
  3. Go to one of the table page : the field "table1_nn_table2" is not displayed
But if I refresh the browser's page, the field is correctly displayed. For me is a little bug of j-cook javascript interface. May be I'm wrong ;-)

Hope this help

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many to many field not showed : little js bug ? 23 Feb 2016 09:37 #13835

I we noticed that too,
but we can live with that ;)

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Les générateurs de code je les connais presque tous pour les avoir essorés en long en large et en travers ... mais celui ci c'est vraiment un outil formidable de simplicité et d'efficacité !
Marc. (liubov - Forum)

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