admin wrote: If you want a faster answer, please always tell about wich project, table, layout. (PTL).
I will have a look.
Sorry about that.
My project is Flight Scheduller component and I have a single table named SCHEDULLE, as I mentionned above I did the following changes
-field label and field name changed
-adding an option to an enumeration table
-adding a filter range in front page layout
and then I am not able to built the project anymore. An error mistake give this :
Call to a member function getParam() on null
For your information, i am facing the same problem with Currencies component, but on this one I did no modifications.
Then I decided to do the same modification on Flight Scheduller AJET component as well as Flight Scheduller AJET-OLD and I am facing exactly same issue.
Thank you for your help. Have a great day.