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[SOLVED] Mod of jmodel.item.php upload class 06 Nov 2012 18:52 #5020

UPDATE: Fixed. See code changes below. This only applies if you are using a FILE data type for a DB table column AND NOT using the Cook uploader. For my example, added code is generating the file instead of it being uploaded.


I have a file field in one of my tables. However, I am not using the uploader. My application is creating the file. It works just fine, but is generating this in the error log. Any suggestions on modifying the below function?

[06-Nov-2012 19:41:27 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in components/com_skm/classes/jmodel.item.php on line 131

Line 131 in the error below is the line that contains this:
//Process a conversion to get the right datas
		foreach($files as $key => $params)
public function _upload($fieldName, $extensions = null, $options = array(), $dir = null)
		//Send the id for eventual name or path parsing in upload
		$options['id'] = $this->getId();

		$config	= JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_skm' );

		if (!$dir)
			$dir = $config->get('upload_dir_' . $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName, '[COM_SITE]' .DS. 'files' .DS. $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName);

		$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;

		//Get the submited files if exists
		$fileInput = new JInput($_FILES);
		$files = $fileInput->get('jform', null, 'array');

		$uploadFile = array();

		//Process a conversion to get the right datas
		foreach($files as $key => $params)
			$uploadFile[$key] = $params[$fieldName];

		$post = $jinput->get('jform', null, 'array');

		// Remove parameter
		$removeVar = "__" . $fieldName . "_remove";
		$remove	= (isset($post[$removeVar])?$post[$removeVar]:null);

		// Previous value parameter
		$previousVar = "__$fieldName";
		$previous = (isset($post[$previousVar])?$post[$previousVar]:null);

		// Upload file name
		$upload = (isset($uploadFile['name'])?$uploadFile['name']:null);

		// New value
		$fileName = null;

		//Check method
		$method = '';
		$changed = false;
		if (!empty($upload))
			$method = 'upload';
			$changed = ($upload != $previous);

		//Check if needed to delete files
		if (in_array($remove, array('remove', 'delete', 'thumbs', 'trash')))
			$fileName = "";		//Clear DB link (remove)
			$changed = true;

			//Process physical removing of the files (All, only thumbs, Move to trash)
			if (in_array($remove, array('delete', 'thumbs', 'trash')))
				$f = (preg_match("/\[.+\]/", $previous)?"":$dir.DS) . $previous;
				if (!SkmFile::deleteFile($f, $remove)){
					JError::raiseWarning( 4101, JText::_("SKM_TASK_RESULT_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_DELETE") );

			case 'upload':

				// Process Upload
				$uploadClass = new SkmUpload($dir);

				if (!$result = $uploadClass->uploadFile($uploadFile, $options))
					JError::raiseWarning( 4100, JText::sprintf("SKM_TASK_RESULT_IMPOSSIBLE_TO_UPLOAD_FILE", $uploadFile['name']) );
					return false;

				$fileName = $result->filename;
				$changed = true;


		if ($changed)
			//Store the image file name with path pattern
			if (!$this->save(array($fieldName => $fileName)))
				return false;
		return true;
Jerry Benton

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Last edit: by jcbenton.

Re: Modification of jmodel.item.php upload class 06 Nov 2012 18:59 #5022

Oh yeah. I don't even need this function to handle the upload. I just need it to handle deletes.
Jerry Benton

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Re: Modification of jmodel.item.php upload class 06 Nov 2012 21:04 #5025

This gets rid of the PHP Warnings.

OLD classes/jmodel.item.php - line 131
foreach($files as $key => $params)
$uploadFile[$key] = $params[$fieldName];

NEW classes/jmodel.item.php - line 131
	foreach($files as $key => $params)
	$uploadFile[$key] = $params[$fieldName];

OLD classes/jcontroller.item.php - line 188
$value = implode(",", $value);
$varName .= "[]";

NEW classes/jcontroller.item.php - line 188
	$value = implode(",", $value);
	$varName .= "[]";
Jerry Benton
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Last edit: by jcbenton.
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