iaron12@gmail.com wrote: You install an update and sundelly everything looks different and with a lot of errors! My clients just LOVED that!!
You dont test before you release to clients?
Cook is somewhat dynamic and yes we can see issues arise that we not there yesterday...
but Cook functionality and support would not have evolved so quickly if we waited for every new function to be fully tested
My Suggestion create a buffer
Step one - Create your working environment
- Project : My Project
- Alias: com_myproject
Download your component install as normal
make the necessary changes as normal
(use the fork directory where possible)
Step two - create your test environment
- save your component under a different name
- change the project title AND alias
- Project: MyTest Project
- Alias: com_mytestproject
- then download it again and install
- I dont make changes to the fork directory in my test component that way i can be assured that it is not one of my overides causing the issue
when you make changes to your cook project and test the changes on your test project
when you are happy
- simply change the project title AND Alias back to com_myproject
- download and install over the top (providing there was no database field changes)
This way you have a copy that you know was working (com_myproject)
Any mysterious issues that were not there yesterday such as one i found tonight (a tool bar was not loading properly) are caught in the com_mytestproject