admin wrote: Should be solved now. (1.4.8 )
Please regenerate
Hi, just for my info,
I'am also testing my 1.7 Backend component designed with j-cook on a fresh joomla 2.5Beta2 installation.
Install is OK. But I see warnings :
Deprecated: Call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated in D:\wamp\www\joomla2.5\administrator\components\com_jbreedm\controllers\pedigrees.php on line 179
and again,
Notice: Undefined property: JDomHtmlFormInputSelectCombo::$href in D:\wamp\www\joomla2.5\administrator\components\com_jbreedm\dom\html.php on line 162
Note that errors are displayed when running under "Development" level error reporting.
The component works properly under "simple" error reporting
Does that mean that 2.5 code will be different than 1.7 ?
Will you adapt j-cook for 2.5 ?