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Copy of an existing component in the interface. 24 Jul 2012 16:32 #2862

Is there any trick to copy an existing component from the interface to another new one to start new edits.

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Re: Copy of an existing component in the interface. 24 Jul 2012 23:57 #2865

Hello e-struct,

No trick ;-) Unfortunately this functionality is not available right now in Cook Self Service. It has been requested many times and I am sure that Jocelyn (Admin) has it on his long "to do" list.

Some of the functionality I and others have requested include (but are not limited to):

- Copy Existing Project
- Create a Module Project based on the Component
- And Generate a Cpanel

So for now I'll simply say +1 to help make this request popular.

Kind Regards,

Passionate Joomla! Developer and J-Cook pro evangelist.
www.jcombuilder.com - we build great Joomla!® Components so you don't have to.

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Re: Copy of an existing component in the interface. 25 Jul 2012 04:19 #2866

Thanks for the +1... Maybe we can have a polling URL (other than this forum "New functionnalities topic") to vote for ideas ?

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Last edit: by e-struct.
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  let me say what a brilliant app! Thank you very very much for all the hard work to build Cook!
Tocpe (Forum)

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