admin wrote: Well, if you do not know nothing about coding in Joomla, you will need to learn because Cook is mainly for devs.
This is THE big advantage of Cook is that you can enjoy coding inside with no exotic framework in the middle. (Joomla standard)
If you are experienced in coding (but not in Joomla) then it is a cool tool to learn. If you are curious and want to learn programmation, too.
But if you do not plan to read the source, I can recommand you to use a CCKs (Content Constructor Kit) like Seblod for instance.
Cook has been created to answer the needs of developpers who are limited with CCK.
Enjoy it.
Thanks for this information. I'm kind of in between with what I know. I used to be pretty good with PHP and HTML4 even flash. Though I really HATE flash. I've used Joomla for years but have never seemed to really pick it up well. I can make edits but for the most part, I have knowledge of it in chucks.
I will take a look at Seblod thanks for that input.
I basically need to create just one Component and be done with it. However, I can see how it could be useful to keep creating other applications.