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Connecting to other tables in itemviw 15 Jan 2012 08:37 #1001

Hi everybody

First english is not my first language and database design isn't either, så may this is a stupid question, but i'm stuck in building my application.

What i'm trying to do is to build a pro cycling team, rider, races and resultdatabase and component, So far i have made the team part of it and you ca se it here procyclingnews.eu/lobskalender (sorry its in danish)

Now my real problem. I would like to have the rideres database show a list of riders in the team itemswiew or maybe a link to riders table with only riders from the selected team,

When I work out how to do this, i'm sure that I can do the rest of my project. Here I want to do

1. A list of races ( In Items wiew I lIke to a a list of teams that are doing this race
2 Connect results from the race databse to the riders and team, so the different riders results are shown in riders item wiew and in team item wiew

Is this possibly in Cook or is it just me that can't make it happen

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Re: Connecting to other tables in itemviw 15 Jan 2012 17:35 #1002

Hi, As far as I know its not possible within Cook to combine an item view and a collection view on the same page.

If you really need to do this, then it is possible to create the seperate views you want in Cook, then download them and merge them together.

However, it does seem to me that you could actually get a reasonable result just from collection views and filters. So, have one table each for results, races, riders, and teams. Then put foreign key links so that you can link it all together. Then just a collection for example on the results table with a filter so that you can select a particular team, race or rider and only display those results.

All depends on how you want it to look in the end and how much time you want to spend modifying your component after you have downloaded it from Cook.

The foreign key linking between the tables is very simple and instant as are the filters so you can get a good result very quickly and easy to test in the sandbox.

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New Question 29 Jan 2012 12:02 #1119

Thanks for the helt so far.

I now have a new Question. Have build a monster of a database with 8 diefferent tables working together, but I have some trouble to make it work the way I want.

The projekt is to build a team, rider and race database for professionel cycling.

I have build a tables for races and would like to make a link in the item view for a race that connects to tabelview of stages in the specific race.

I have the race tabel and the stagetabel, but I cant work out how to link them from the race itemview. Is this possibly and how is it done if yes.

The same problem comes up when i make the teamdatabase. I have a team table and a rider database. Now i want to make a link in fx Team Item view that links to a table view of only the riders in that team. If I can make this work user could open a team link to the riders in the team and then view the details of the rider in itemview

can anybody help with this problem - I would appriciate it very much :cheer:

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