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reset filter on the server side 19 Jul 2013 08:20 #10524


I would like to reset filters of a grid on the PHP side. Is there a tip written somewhere about this ?

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,


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reset filter on the server side 27 Jul 2013 14:45 #10610


I'll appreciate greatly a help on that one...

The idea is to reset the search fields programmaticaly when the user has selected a new category.

In JS, there is the "Joomla.resetFilters();" function. Is there something that can be called in PHP ?

Thanks in advance,


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reset filter on the server side 27 Jul 2013 19:09 #10611

  • VeCrea
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Some leads :
1°) In the yourview_filters.php, there is a button that uses onclick :
<button onclick="resetFilters()"><?php echo(JText::_("JSEARCH_FILTER_CLEAR")); ?></button>
then jQuery in the same file, you have, at the top
function resetFilters()
2°) In the view.html.php, you have :
$this->filters['name of the filter']->value = $model->getState("filter.name of the filter");
so maybe you could set the value yourself there

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Last edit: by VeCrea.

reset filter on the server side 30 Jul 2013 09:39 #10627

Hi VeCrea,

Thank you for your answer and sugestions.

After complementary analysis, my problem is more linked to a context. It would be nice to be able to flush a filter's view from another view but in this case $this->filter will contains the current filter's view and not the one I would like to fflush... I have to think to a way...



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reset filter on the server side 30 Jul 2013 12:21 #10628

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So, change the context.
$model->set('context', 'another_context');

Context can be any string.

Then, in prepareQuery(), you just have to change few things to filter differently for this context.

You can also use state vars.
$model->setState('myStateVar', true);

Than, check this state var to filter or not.
In few words, do what you want in the prepareQuery() function. But the parameters must be sent through states vars or simply the context.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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reset filter on the server side 31 Jul 2013 14:13 #10647

Thank you admin. I will seach a solution in that direction.

Best regards,


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