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File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 05 Feb 2013 13:22 #6641

  • BTB300
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Hey there everyone

Tonight i have a mental blank (probably because i have not been cooking for a while)

I want to dynamically create upload folder behind the default upload folder set in config such as


the folder name is defined in a field that is available in the current model

I know that i need to change 3 files in order to do this
- com_mycomponentname/administrator/classes/upload.php
- com_mycomponentname/administrator/classes/file.php
- com_mycomponentname/config.xml

I know that in the past (Cook 1.5) i created and called a helper function that returned the current item field values but can't i just pass or call the current model data?

function setUploadFolder($uploadFolder)
		// I want to be able to do something like this...
		$uploadFolder = $this->parsePath($uploadFolder).DS.JText::_($this->model->another_folder);	
		$app = JFactory::getApplication();

function getMarkers()

		$configMedias = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media');
		$config = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_mycomponent');

		return array(
			'DIR_MYIMAGE_IMAGE' => $config->get("upload_dir_myimage_image", "[COM_SITE]" .DS. "files" .DS. "myimage_image") .DS."[ANOTHER_FOLDER]".DS,
		// Add the new marker something like this
		'ANOTHER_FOLDER' => $this->model->another_folder

	// Add the marker to the default upload directory
	<field name="upload_dir_myimage_image" type="text" default="[COM_SITE]/files/myimage_image/[ANOTHER_FOLDER]" label="MYCOMPONENT...

Thanks in advance any help appreciated

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 07 Feb 2013 08:46 #6664

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Hey @BTB300

Just wondering if you had found a solution to this yet?

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 07 Feb 2013 11:24 #6665

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Thanks Gez
Sorry no haven't been able to find solution - cant even find where i did it on one of the old 1.5 components

But i know if you use Jfactory::getUser() you can do what i want such as

or if you hard code it with the foldername it works by modifying the files as i described in my original post

I know its something simple that i am missing but cant remember :S
- import a class file perhaps?

If i can get this working i can then override the default rename method the upload files as well

for instance it would be nice to be able to rename a file such as


Thanks for checking

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 07 Feb 2013 12:14 #6668

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Hi @BTB300,

I've not done what you're wishing to do so this might not be as easy as I propose...

Could you extend (or duplicate and rename) the file class to take in a new parameter/property that can then be instanced in your JDom call? Because then, you're in a view with direct access to the model data and can therefore just pass the $dir in which can be appended to the defined base path...

Won't that work?

Hope it helps in any case!

Best of luck,

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 07 Feb 2013 14:06 #6677

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Thanks Gez
Will Try... its a bit late here so i guess maybe tomorrow i will have 5 minutes to check if it works

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 07 Feb 2013 14:28 #6679

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No worries buddy!

I hope that it is a viable option as (and I may very well be wrong) but it seems the easiest way to go to me!

Get some sleep!!!

Take care,

Need help with your Cook/Joomla Project? . PM me to find out what I can help with. NO time wasters please!!!

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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 18 Feb 2013 16:05 #6812

  • BTB300
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Yeah some progress tonight! :cheer:

I knew it wasn't that hard...
I completly forgot the _upload function in

public function _upload($fieldName, $extensions = null, $options = array(), $dir = null)
		//Send the id for eventual name or path parsing in upload
		$options['id'] = $this->getId();

		$config	= JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_mycomponent' );

		if (!$dir)
			$dir = $config->get('upload_dir_' . $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName, '[COM_SITE]' .DS. 'files' .DS. 	$this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName
			.DS.JApplication::stringURLSafe($custom_dir->supplier)); // <== ADDED THIS LINE
And Here in the same file
//Get all indexes for all fields
		$query = "SELECT " . $db->quoteName(implode($db->quoteName(', '), array_keys($fileFields)))
			. " FROM " . $db->quoteName($table->getTableName())
			. ' WHERE id IN ( '.implode(', ', $pks) .' )';
		$files = $db->loadObjectList();

		$config	= JComponentHelper::getParams( 'com_mycomponent' );

		foreach($fileFields as $fieldName => $op)
			$dir = $config->get('upload_dir_' . $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName, '[COM_SITE]' .DS. 'files' .DS. $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName 
.DS.JApplication::stringURLSafe($custom_dir->supplier)); <== ADDED THIS
With the above code changes dynamic folder uploads is possible ;)
it will create a directory behind the default directory such as com_mycomponent/files/default_file/custom_dir

- if $custom_dir-> supplier is null (not specified) will upload to the default directory specified in the Config XML file

BUT there is some issues
- the thumbnails are NOT found in item or list views (work around detailed below)
- if the custom_dir is changed after a record is saved it does not create a new directory and upload or move the the file

As a temporary "WORKAROUND" for thumbnails not being shown - modified the getMarkers() function
function getMarkers($path) //added path

	$configMedias = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_media');
	$config = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_mycomponent');

	return array(
	//'DIR_NEWTABLE_MY_FILE' => $config->get("upload_dir_newtable_my_file", "[COM_SITE]" .DS. "files" .DS. "newtable_my_file") .DS,
	'DIR_NEWTABLE_MY_FILE' => $path .DS, 

And just below that Parsed path from here (com_mycomponent/administrator/file.php)
	function parsePath($path)
		// Protect against back dir (../)
		if (DS == "\\")
			$ds = "\\\\";
			$ds = "\/";

		$path = preg_replace("/\.\." .$ds. "/", "", $path);

		$markers = self::getMarkers($path); // parsed path to getMarkers() function)

Still needs alot more work but its a start and a least it gives me an idea in what needs to be done to create a custom class or class extension - (didn't have great success before) Did try to pull the data into the file.php using something like getModel() and getInstance(...) but that's another story

- construct switch statement to detect custom_dir to remove the workaround
- multiple custom directory not possible with above because it aliases the file name
- create index.html file in each sub directory when using multiple sub directories
- allow custom directory uploads (override the default directory)
- make safe custom directory names rather than alias them
- if file is the same but custom_dir is different move file to the new custom directory (leave / delete old file??)

I Guess Something like this would be a great addition to the file up loader especially for sorting pictures, but would be great for anyone using categories as well such as invoices, document filing, inventory..........

Anyhow as i said its a start
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Last edit: by BTB300.

Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 21 Feb 2013 14:14 #6826

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Um... was working :angry:
it uploads files amd images to the $custom_dir but once again the images are not found/displayed in both list views and item views

so it looks like my work around to pass $path to the get markers function was only a part of the solution... now where else did i alter the code to make the images display correctly :S

Unless i parsed the custom_dir through options the same as the ID...?

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Last edit: by BTB300.

Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 27 Mar 2013 09:40 #7013

This is how I create custom dynamic upload folders in jcook v2.0:

add the following function in the helper file located at YOUR_COMPONENT/helpers/helper.php to create the custom/dynamic folder path :
	function getUploadFolder($model, $fieldName){
		// the formula to create the custom folder path
		$item = $model->getItem();
		$dynamicFolder = 'just_a_folder' .DS. $item->id ;
		$dir = '[COM_SITE]' .DS. $dynamicFolder .DS. $model->view_list . '_' . $fieldName;
		return $dir;

then in the jmodel.item.php located at YOUR_COMPONENT/classes/jmodel.item.php :

line 123:
		if (!$dir)
			$dir = $config->get('upload_dir_' . $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName, '[COM_SITE]' .DS. 'files' .DS. $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName);

		if (!$dir)
			$dir = COMPONENTHelper::getUploadFolder($this, $fieldName ); /* hack */

line 143:
		// Previous value parameter
		$previousVar = "__$fieldName";
		$previous = (isset($post[$previousVar])?$post[$previousVar]:null);

		// Previous value parameter
		$previousVar = "__$fieldName";
		$previous = basename(isset($post[$previousVar])?$post[$previousVar]:null); /* hack */

line 199
		if ($changed)
			//Store the image file name with path pattern
			if (!$this->save(array($fieldName => $fileName)))
				return false;

		if ($changed)
			/* hack */
			if($fileName != ''){
				$fileName = $dir .DS. $fileName;
			/* hack */
			//Store the image file name with path pattern
			if (!$this->save(array($fieldName => $fileName)))
				return false;

line 506:
		foreach($fileFields as $fieldName => $op)
			$dir = $config->get('upload_dir_' . $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName, '[COM_SITE]' .DS. 'files' .DS. $this->view_list . '_' . $fieldName);

		foreach($fileFields as $fieldName => $op)
			$dir = JshopHelper::getUploadFolder($this, $fieldName ); /* hack */

I hope will save some time to someone.
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Re: File Upload - Dymanic Folder Paths? 03 Apr 2013 09:48 #7022

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many thanks for taking the time to post your solution
greatly appreciated

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Just wanted to congratulate you on the J-Cook website / web development tool. In a couple of visits I've had a play around with Cook and have to say I think it is fantastic.  I've played with a number of component builders in the past and yours is certainly looking like the best so far. I'd also like to help you spread the word - I'm really surprised more people aren't excited about this tool. Good luck with the project.

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