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Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 07:58 #6906

  • levi
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As I understand, you can as a redirect value use:

In form:
- if passing to a input field use "my_fieldname"
- if passing to a combo box prefix your fieldname with "filter_" such as "filter_myfieldname"

In fly:
- if passing to a fly field related to same table, use "filter_itemtitle" to pass the items id

But here is my question:
What redirect value can I use to pass to a fly field related to a different table?

Is there an in-Cook way of achieving this?

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 09:26 #6907

Ji Levi

Do you want to pass the ID or the value of another field to a different view?

if i remember correctly the easiest way to work out what you need to pass is
- construct a fly view with the required fields
- check out the resulting model for the field names

it would be something like

Anyhow not sure if you have seen this but i would start Start Here

Hope it helps

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 09:41 #6908

  • levi
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Is there an in-Cook way of achieving this?

Can I use the reuse field? "tablename_fieldname"?

I have earlier seen the link you sent, but still little unsure...

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 10:00 #6910

Hi Again,
At present only the ID of the current view can be passed in Cook Redirect
- you need to modify the redirects in your downloaded component
- the redirects are located in your item controller (for both collection and item layouts)
- have not visited redirects for sometime but i think something like the following should work

This will parse the current ID and another field
case 'yyyyyyy.save':
		$this->applyRedirection($result, array(
		), array(
			'cid[]' => null,
			'filter_some_id'=> 'cid['.$model->getId().']', // pass the current id
			'my_table_my_field'=> $item->another_table_some_text_field // perhaps this may work?

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 11:28 #6913

  • levi
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Tx for your feedback!

I can't get it to work.

I have two tables: companies (item is company) and departments (item is department).
In the first layout (makecompany) I register the company (fields: name, address)
In the next layout (tabledepartment) I want to add a department to the company.

The layout (tabledepartment) must show:

Company name: [company.name]

Department name: [department.name]
Department leader: [department.leader]

How can I define the array to be able to pass the correct variable, and then to show the company name on the second layout?

This is my code by now:
case 'makecompany.save':
$this->applyRedirection($result, array(
), array(
	'cid[]' => null,
	'filter_company' => $model->getState('company.id'),
	'filter_company'=> $item->department.companyid

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 16:34 #6914

Hi Levi
Have set up a test component
Companies (collection) / Company (item)

Departments (collection) / Department (item)

In Your Company Item Controller you need to pass the company_name as shown below see comment.

Offered as a work around but as always open to options if anyone else has alternate / cleaner solution

Hope it helps get you on the right track...
switch($this->getLayout() .'.'. $this->getTask())
	case 'makecompany.save':
		$this->applyRedirection($result, array(
		), array(
			'cid[]' => null,
			'filter_company_id' => $model->getState('company.id'), 
		// <= added comma in the line above
		// <= added the line below to get the value of company_name from the model 
			'_company_id_company_name' => $model->getItem()->company_name

And In your Department Model - the value of company name is not populated until the department view is saved (save and close button) or applied (save button). Need to add the company name to the default values - see note in code below

The default values are set here in your department model
// Prime some default values.
if ($this->getState('department.id') == 0)
	$jinput = new JInput;

	$data->id = 0;
	$data->params = null;
	$data->department_name = null;
	$data->department_leader = null;
	$data->company_id = $jinput->get('filter_company_id', $this->getState('filter.company_id'), 'INT');
	// Added the following line to pre-populate the company name 
	$data->_company_id_company_name = $jinput->get('_company_id_company_name');


Further down in your model you will find the name of the field you need - see comment in code below
	case 'department.department':

	$this->addSelect(	'a.company_id,'
				.	'a.department_name,'
				.	'a.department_leader');

	// the field name to pre populate in the default values is found here 
	// NOTE: the underscore!
	$this->addSelect('_company_id_.company_name AS `_company_id_company_name`');

	$this->addJoin('`#__company_companies` AS _company_id_ ON _company_id_.id = a.company_id', 'LEFT');


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Last edit: by BTB300.

Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 17:09 #6915

NOTICE: Above Reply edited - with solution / workaround

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Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 05 Mar 2013 18:44 #6916

A Cleaner Method would be to pass the filter_company_id to a function in model (that way the company name is not passed and displayed as part of the URL) and potentially you could pre-populate fly views with any variables you wish... Just a thought

Function could be something like this
public function prequery( $id)
		$query = $db->getQuery(true);
		$query->select(array('pre.id', 'pre.company_name'));
		$query->from('#__company_companies AS pre');
		$query->where('pre.id = ' . (int) $id);
		$result= $db->loadObject();
		return $result;

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Last edit: by BTB300.

Re: Passing to a FLY field when different tables? 06 Mar 2013 07:06 #6918

  • levi
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Tx. I will look into this :-)

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I'm playing around with the new mvc and the FORK feature is FANTASTIC!!! it's saving me a lot of time! you are doing a very good job!!

Tomaselli (Forum)  

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