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New features are coming soon 14 Jan 2015 14:23 #12817

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Hi Folks,

Happy new year 2015 !

At the moment, I am working on the javascript interface. I am rewriting the whole framework. No changes at all in the graphism and ergonomy, but much faster to load, and to work on.
In future, this AJAX and graphic framework will also possibly be integrated in your components for creating full ajax applications, using all the basic features of a native component. My Ajax JS framework is becoming very light and efficient.

Also the generation process (PHP) is gonna be faster.
More or less 10 times faster. I have worked a lot on that during the last 5 months.

Also XREF (Cross-reference, N:M, N:1) links are on the way. It is working for me in local. But I still have a lot of things to do to avoid possible conflicts and to make a lot of tests.

Some study will also be done to generate on top of others frameworks. I am thinking of FoF, but it can be also able to generate for others. I am not affraid at all because Cook is super powerfull now and during 2015 I will finally be able to start to add REAL features for you.
I have needed more than 5 years to build the basis of all this and the last two years dev was almost invisible for you because it was structural rewrite in order to push all limits away.
So for the frameworks to build on, let's give me your proposals and your needs.
If cook is generating on top of such RAD frameworks, JDom will be replaced by them.
The JDom project will continue for native build without RAD Frameworks.
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New features are coming soon 14 Jan 2015 17:24 #12818

Many thanks for your hard work! Looking forward to the new features and enhancements :)

As far as the frameworks go, I really don't have any preference and will leave that to others but as far as new features, here's my top four:
1) Would like easy way to add custom tasks from the toolbar and grid, i.e. let me drop a generic task in either place where I can give it a name, icon, and optionally a link to a view so then all I'd have to do is write the code for processing (instead of forking off entire files to make modifications)
2) Add a "Batch" task for the grid toolbar as implemented in some Joomla components. Again, generate an empty function where where I can just write the code to process the request.
3) Add support for linking projects together somehow so I can share tables across components easier
4) Support the SQL concept of "restrict" when deleting a record with a foreign key. There's sample code on how to do it manually in these forums but I use it a lot and would just like to have it in the builder's option list with cascade and set null :)

Thanks again!
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New features are coming soon 14 Jan 2015 18:55 #12819

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Thank you for your review.
All those features you have listed are already planned. I cannot tell you when it is really difficult to say.

Stay in touch.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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New features are coming soon 14 Jan 2015 19:21 #12820

Good to know that they are on your radar, and I understand how hard it is to get everything done :)

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New features are coming soon 16 Jan 2015 13:25 #12821

Brilliant work, and once functions such as N:M etc are in place, that is when I buy the life subscription and also offer a proposal of marriage!

Things i would love to see (this is a brain dump)

1) The ability to add stuff to foreign key linked tables via a modal window
2) Custom tasks (as already mentioned) and the ability to store them as libraries on your builder, and maybe for other people to share theirs!
3) Clone project or a way to link projects together
4) Import data facility on sandbox so I can propagate data tables again when I change Joomla versions
5) AJAX filtering on related fields

example, say I have table with offices someone can works at, and two tables use this office as an FK, say 'Which Room', 'What Shift Pattern'

At the moment when creating a worker, I have a drop down for their office, then an identical dropdown where I select their office again and choose a room, and a third dropdown which I also chose the office and then choose a shift pattern

I would be nice when I choose their office, these two other dropdowns auto propegate with that same office.
6) Export and Import a project - Would be nice just for peace of mind and also archiving old projects on a much growing list
7) Reusable custom Templates for layouts.
8) Clone layouts
9) A module creator
10) A search plugin creator (chose the table, choose the searchable fields, generate!)
11) Built in HELP files function so I can create help files for each layout
12) Full utilisation of the bootstrap design on the forms and and layouts. Would be nice to 'tab' bricks, or accordion them, create a grid, or put fields side by side etc
13) Versioning, history, rollbacks to changes etc
14) Backup and restore of project for when you make an uber balls up
15) Ability to upload or use ICOMOON for icons so we can replace the default egg before downloading

um.. thats about it.

Thanks again for all your solid work!
Morgan Leecy MCSE

Novell / Linux
PHP. MYSQL, Apache, node.js
Coldfusion, JQuery, HTML5

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New features are coming soon 21 Jan 2015 13:41 #12824

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Thank you very much for all you propositions and great ideas.

I will try to put order priorities and publish my plans and priorities.
Also the future perspective will be oriented framework. PHP and JS.
So, prepare your questions for the poll. I will ask what you prefer in these choices.
If you prefer to stay on the strict Joomla standard, wich will always be possible, and the framework to use for pushing away all the litmits.
All the basic features you ask (custom tasks, icons, clone, import export, layouts, modules, ...) will be handled in native standard.
All the Ajax features will not be developped without JS framework because Joomla as it is cannot handle it without adding Cook specific code. So I would prefer the use of a framework.
I was thinking to use my own JS framework wich as now 5 years behind, but it will not be instancied in your components.
I prefer to propose you Angular JS or Ember. (Backbone will not be enough)
Angular is the most advanced and the more asked, but it is backed by a private company. Ember is good as well and more on the Joomla idea; made by people with no company behind. Ember also is using the same terms as Joomla (Controller / Models / Views...)
Both will be handled in far future, but the question is wich one do you prefer now ?

For the PHP part, a RAD framework is more than necessary for big applications. FoF is good but not the only one. RAD is really comfortable to work.
So the big priorities is to take these turn and convert your components in real applications.

For the moment I am not ready because I am finishing important generator structure to prepare all this, and to be able of all this customs for generation.
I can only announce two features coming soon :
- N:M (Xref)
- project cloning in the builder.
Coding is now a piece of cake

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New features are coming soon 26 Jan 2015 09:40 #12826

great work Jocelyn,
i ve been rebuilding my project again again,
forking, syncing here are some features that in my opinion would be useful for
universal collecting, managing and processing data:

-ghost tables - tables that are in some other software but structure is imported to cook creator,
building component doesn't create ghost tables but references stay,
(that would solve problem how to integrate to 3 party components)

-splitting projects with ghost tables auto-sync between components

-add joins in collections, forms, flys (superb would be like in " flyspeed sql " style but query box would be just fine)

-embed collections in items
with tabs - now i use dhtmlx tabbar + dhtmlx grid

-add multi setep data input (pass parameters not only form last form/collection)
that partially solves n:n problem - (btw if you have huge lists setting n:n relation without filtering would be impossible)

-ajax parent comboboxes problem
-in one table i have items with parents eg. locations, i want to go from "no parent item" to "last child" in dynamically loading comboboxes (not knowing how many steps)

-simple adding buttons for triggering custom events

thx :)

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New features are coming soon 28 Jan 2015 07:48 #12827

I prefer Angularjs.
If you check the comparison, angularjs has many pros compared to ember.
I'm recently using it for some projects, but I'm starting now to understand how it really works! :) the learning curve is not very good.
I saw some review and video about ember and apparently ember seems more intuitive, but it's very heavy in size.
Angularjs is lightweight and it has no dependecies, moreover its extensions are very lightweight!
I'd like to know the experience of someone using both libraries.

I wouldn't worry too much about angularjs backed by google, it's MIT License.
I would think that's a pros, because the library would go far and fast in development (hopefully!)

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New features are coming soon 04 Feb 2015 16:06 #12830

2 more things in collection filtering:

ajax search boxes with dropdown - eg.: you write: amox and you get amoxycillin and other thing starting from amox
multi column search - now search box works with one column only

thx again :)

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New features are coming soon 17 Feb 2015 15:19 #12842

Not really frame work related but how about a password field type? could be as a simple fieldtype password or further configurable capabilities such as minimum length, minimum capitals, minimum letters, minimum special characters...

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New features are coming soon 18 Feb 2015 11:50 #12844

Angular.js is awesome, and as far as I know open source and utterly brilliant.. but thats a by the by

Some more ideas

1) Default field ordering on more than one field. At the moment we select the default field, would be nice to simply set the default ordering by multiple fields and the order as a DESC or ASC

2) A field type of MAP which is a google selector which stores LongLat, zoom level etc as either a JSON string or creates multiple fields such as Long, Lat, Zoom etc

3) BATCH operations such as duplicate multiple records

4) Export to CSV of selected records
Morgan Leecy MCSE

Novell / Linux
PHP. MYSQL, Apache, node.js
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New features are coming soon 14 May 2015 02:40 #12989

Most have already has been covered, but definitely the following.

1. Ability to link (foreign field) to tables in other projects. Important when creating a large system that is reliant on data from other components .. e,g. workplace information: employees in a workplace , sites, departments etc..
2. Customisable buttons for toolbox
3. Ability to split forms into tabular view
4. One to many form construction ( e.g Invoice number name etc in master form ) (Invoice details in form two ((sub form))... Fly and data entry options

Reports and data extraction.

5. Definitely export to CSV function option for the toolbar
6. Some additional drag and drop visual tools for the Fly: e.g Google graphs taking data from your component.
7. Report builder ( ability to add fields from component ) with a submit option on the toolbar to produce a Custom Fly / list, and the ability to download the resulting data.
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New features are coming soon 15 May 2015 13:55 #12995

Some more ideas

Builder functions
1) A field type / wizard that links to the Joomla TAG system
2) A field type / wizard that links to the Joomla Category system
3) Expansion of the USER field so it can also pull in the other user data such as PHONE NUMBER, ADDRESS etc
4) Filteration of FOREIGN KEYS by a field
5) Builder versioning
6) Ability to IMPORT test data into sandbox
Morgan Leecy MCSE

Novell / Linux
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New features are coming soon 17 May 2015 11:39 #13026

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2.7 is released

Now I am gonna prepare you new real features coming soon.

The 2 first coming features of the road map will be :
1. cross-reference lists (N:M)
2. F0F

Thoses two are already almost finished. But you have to be patient a little bit more.


The only thing I couldn't manage is the token problem. Sometimes the builder mess up with the security tokens, and you will have to wait 20s or refresh the page. I am really sorry for that. It is not created by a problem you are responsable. Simply there is a problem I have difficulties to fix, and I prefer to offer you this release in time and fix that bug after. It is not blocking issue.
Coding is now a piece of cake
The following user(s) said Thank You: MorganL, dyvel

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New features are coming soon 17 May 2015 11:44 #13027

I may be getting something mixed in translation.. released but still de-active? Is it safe to assume as per your initial email about the changes that the builder will be offline totally until Monday at the earliest
Morgan Leecy MCSE

Novell / Linux
PHP. MYSQL, Apache, node.js
Coldfusion, JQuery, HTML5

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First of all... I have to congratulate you guys for the awesome tool... I came here only to see what this thing was up to and I have to tell that I'm very impressed with what this tool can do. French guys are making a revolution on Joomla... first with Seblod and now Cook...
Griiettner (forum)

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