Brilliant work, and once functions such as N:M etc are in place, that is when I buy the life subscription and also offer a proposal of marriage!
Things i would love to see (this is a brain dump)
1) The ability to add stuff to foreign key linked tables via a modal window
2) Custom tasks (as already mentioned) and the ability to store them as libraries on your builder, and maybe for other people to share theirs!
3) Clone project or a way to link projects together
4) Import data facility on sandbox so I can propagate data tables again when I change Joomla versions
5) AJAX filtering on related fields
example, say I have table with offices someone can works at, and two tables use this office as an FK, say 'Which Room', 'What Shift Pattern'
At the moment when creating a worker, I have a drop down for their office, then an identical dropdown where I select their office again and choose a room, and a third dropdown which I also chose the office and then choose a shift pattern
I would be nice when I choose their office, these two other dropdowns auto propegate with that same office.
6) Export and Import a project - Would be nice just for peace of mind and also archiving old projects on a much growing list
7) Reusable custom Templates for layouts.

Clone layouts
9) A module creator
10) A search plugin creator (chose the table, choose the searchable fields, generate!)
11) Built in HELP files function so I can create help files for each layout
12) Full utilisation of the bootstrap design on the forms and and layouts. Would be nice to 'tab' bricks, or accordion them, create a grid, or put fields side by side etc
13) Versioning, history, rollbacks to changes etc
14) Backup and restore of project for when you make an uber balls up
15) Ability to upload or use ICOMOON for icons so we can replace the default egg before downloading
um.. thats about it.
Thanks again for all your solid work!