TableYour project contains tables. A table in the builder does not represent only the SQL structure.
TablesThe list tables of your selected project.
Create a new table1. Click the [ + ] button, then New table. 2. Give a plural name. (Accept all characters ad spaces) 3, Press Enter a click the save icon. NamingA table (triad) is made of 2 types: plural, singular
Forbidden namesSome aliases are not allowed for your table alias. Cook does not accept the following names : model, dev, fork, result, print, xxxx, xxxxs, yyyy, yyyys, zzzz, zzzzs Entry point :Determines if this triad is the default view. Note: Deprecated feature since CPanel.
FieldsCreate a new field in table:
Warning : Some aliases are not allowed. (complete list to come)
Known issue : sometimes you can experience some difficulties to edit in the builder interface.
Default fieldThe default field is the field to choose as fallback when label key is not specified. It should be setted for a text readable field. (when possible) To define a field as default, click on the star : Create a Foreign Key:
ex : Country table is referenced in the country field of the Cities table
WizardsWizards are automated functionalities. Cook can instance basic Joomla features such as authoring infos, publishing states, creation infos, holder (checked_in), ordering, accesses, aliasing (slug), hits, defaulting, ... Instance a new wizard:
Once the fields are correctly linked to a wizard, an orange arrow is displayed on the top-left corner of the field:
Warning : Some wizards can be instancied only once time per table. Some others can be instancied both times. Warning : Some wizards lock the name of the field. In this case, you cannot change the name of the field.
Generated filesFor each table, your component will contain :