
Import SQLNew Feature : SQL Import

You can now import a whole database structure directly in the builder.
Cook Self Service, will create all the fields and wizards automatically.

Some Foreign Keys will also be automatically recognized and instanced as well.


Change SQL type New Feature : SQL field types.

Once instanced, you can refine the physical SQL field type stored in database.


Change Field Type in builderNew feature : Change field type AFTER instanced

With this new feature, you are not forced to remove and recreate your table field when you want to change its type.
It has been a long job to do because the builder was not able to do it due to all the cascade restrictions of the builder (wizards, Icons refresh, Fields tree icons and expandable nodes, ...)

To change a field type :
Open the properties box, and change the 'type' parameter.
Sometimes, the list of possibilities can be restricted by the wizards using the current field you want to modify.


Less is More (v3):

  • HTML Templates skeleton 100% rewritten.
  • Page title and browser title rewritten.
  • Removed JVersion calls.


Financial Field TypeNew Feature : Financial field

From the decimal field type, you can now choose to display the value in a financial format.

  • Add the currency symbol (before or after)
  • Pad the decimals with zeros
  • Group the thousands

New Feature : for decimals field type

  • Group the thousands

New Feature : UTC Time management
Time or Datetime field can handle the user UTC timezone in order to store the values in UTC (Universal Time). This is highly recommended for creation / modification dates, and for all fields who requires a synchronic clock between users or for the system.
The time values are shown according to the user's timezone.

v3 - Less is More (beta)

Less is More


We started to remove the back compatibility layer.

The version 3 will be released step by steps in successive sub-versions along the complete cleaning.
Joomla! 2.5 is not anymore compatible with Cook 3.x

Choose "beta" version in the component configuration.

Really great Joomla tool Cook is a great piece of kit for creating Joomla components. It uses a drag-n-drop interface to build tables and fully featured pages. You can test your component in a sandbox before downloading it packaged up ready to install. The developer is responsive on the support forum.
Twev (JED)

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