
Rewrite structure : EnumerationsEnumerations
Code improvement for instancing enumerations.

Enumerations are called directly from the XML files in Forms, Filters, and Front Layout Filters (Menu items)
A new 'Enumeration' field has been created.
A new dedicated Helper is used for the static values. It is forkable, flexible, and optimized.
The caller view and the templates has been simplified.

To get a static list :


New Feature : Import dataset
Import dataset
The importer is now able to treat and import the datas contained in a SQL file.

First, drop a SQL file (or compressed archive).
The importer shows the recognized structure and datas.
The base prefix (DB prefix + component base), is automatically recognized and removed when the file contains more than one table.
Check carefully the tables aliases (plural and singular).
If your file contains only one table, the prefix cannot be recognized. You might need to rename the aliases names.
For every table, choose if you want to import the fields (structure), or datas (rows).
Once you have configured the import, click the "Import" button.

  • The component tables structures will be overridden
  • A new dataset snapshot will be created : "import"

The imported dataset will NOT be installed automatically.

To install the imported dataset, you simply have to drag the last "import" dataset into the drop area.
(The datasets are located under the "Datasets" tab)

Dataset Snapshot


Dataset Snapshot New feature : Snapshot the dataset

Save you datasets in backup files.
Thanks to this feature, you can now be sure to never lost your datasets and to be able to play with them.

Drag a dataset to the drop area to reinstall it in the sandbox.

The first line are the milestones for every regeneration in sandbox. It is a simple FIFO stack.
The second line is the list of your manual snapshots.


Custom taskNew Feature : Custom tasks

From the Tasks toolbox panel, drag the "Custom" task, then open the properties box and define :
- The Label to display
- The Function name for the controller

After what, an empty function (including the redirector) will be created in the item controller of the concerned table.


FORM FLY Switch Brick typeNew Feature : Switch between FORM and FLY

Very simple option, available in the Form of Fly brick properties, which allow you to change the brick type.


Automatic designNew Feature : Automatic design

The builder instances automatically a bunch of default fields, toolbar tasks, filters and forms.
Once you have created the structure of your table, and instanced the required wizards, you finally start to design your template pages (layouts).
Just create a new layout, and see how the page is automatically populated with all possible fields, except N:m relations.
Also, if you want to instance a deeper foreign Key values (superior than one level), you will need to do it manually.

This automatic population is not doing it all, but achieve the 90% of the work, and you will be able to build your components in a record time.
All you have to do is to configure the properties of each instanced object to refine the functionalities of your component.

  let me say what a brilliant app! Thank you very very much for all the hard work to build Cook!
Tocpe (Forum)

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