HacksHere is a list of some IMPORTANT hacks to applies on your Joomla! installation to fix common issues.
The forked XML does not recognize sub items.libraries/joomla/forms/forms.php - LINE 723
Fatal error: Access to undeclared static property: XxxxCkClassLoader::$classesThis normal error raises with Joomla 1.6 (Also, you can change the config, choosing 'Legacy loader') libraries/loader.php - LINE 20 Change private to protected |
I found "cook" two days ago. Played around with it for a day and then within a day got rid of two legacy applications in IBM Lotus Domino Notes and replaced them with "cook". It was really easy. A piece of cake. Actually it was even easier than cooking. Cooking involves more work than developing with "cook". What can I say about "cook"? Great application great price for what it delivers great forum with a lot of information and fast responses active and friendly community fast forward moving development cycle So what should I say "Monsieur Le Cook"? Keep the good work going it will lead to success. Having become a paying member in the words of Edith Piaf may I say ..... non rien de rien ... je ne regrette rien. Vive La France.