Layout (Page)Tables contains Pages. Note : In past, we used the term 'layouts' but it is too confusing with JLayout, so the name Page is preferred now.
Create a new page1. Click the [ + ] button and choose a page type to create. A page can be in front-end or in back-end. A page can be plural (Collection), singular (Item).
2. Give a name and press Enter. Naming
Forbidden namesSome aliases are not allowed for your layout alias : ajax, import, modal, xxxx, xxxxs, yyyy, yyyys, zzzz, zzzzs Entry point :Determines if this page is the default template to load when the view is called with no layout specification. When you change the entry point from a page to another, the aliases of the pages changes. The previously defaulted page take then its new alias value from the item-alias of the table.
From this window, you can pick up the fields to instance on your pages.
Bricks is a Cook Self Service concept that simply represent a sub template. Create a new brick:
(complete list to come)
The tasks are to be instanced in a Toolbar brick.
The filters are to be instanced in a Filters brick.
Templates files
Merci d'avoir présenté ce service web générateur de composant joomla. L'interface est très conviviale on a le plaisir du drag&drop et c'est assez rare pour être signalé. Je souhaite que ce projet connaisse un fort succès votre réalisation est méritante.