

Please use the Relations instead.

This function is used to automate the links creation and destruction with simplified command.

After saving an item, if the POST query has sent more datas concerning relations with other tables, this function must be called.
The builder is for the moment not making reference to it, but the N:M tutorial is mentioning it.

N:M Use (many-to-many)

The links are database rows.
This function will insert or delete rows in database.

ClassModelList::updateXref N:M Cook

This following example is written in traveller (item) model:

N:1 Use

Foreign Keys are widly used in Cook, but what happen when we want to set up those links from the opposite side ?
This will be the use of N:1

The links are made with simple foreign keys in opposite table.
This function will only update or reset the concerned foreign keys values.

ClassModelList::updateXref N-1 Cook

This following example is written in country (item) model

First let me congratulate you on an excellent/outstanding product. Just tried for one hour but was very impressed.
Marret (Forum)

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