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A sandbox is a fresh installation of Joomla to test your component in real conditions. Cook provide a different sandbox for every supported Joomla!™ version. Note: In sandboxes, the datas you will insert in your components are relative to the sandbox. It means that when you change sandbox, the datas you have previously inserted will not be restored in this other sandbox. This limitation is gonna be removed in an future.
GeneratorThe generator is the main purpose of your visit. Building testing and downloading. Run in sandboxOnce you have choosen a sandbox, click ont this button to preview your component. Access to the sandbox is free for all. You can try your component even without active subscription. Download componentGet your component ready to install for all versions. Download datasetYou can get your dataset alone coming from the selected sandbox. Known issue :
Flush datasetErase the dataset of your component from the selected sandbox.
NamingForbidden namesSome aliases are not allowed for your project. Joomla does not accept when :
ConfiguationEmbed frameworkDetermines the way to load jQuery :
If you want to load from Joomla's native medias file, then choose 'Yes'. Include datasetYour current dataset in use in the sandbox will be integrated inside your installation. Known issue : Limitation : Dataset installation applies only on install.
Form style (templating)Forms are loaded through JForms XML files. ex: you want to render a part of the form, or hide it, depending of the value of a field To avoid this problem, Cook offers you the possibility to generate your component in an exploded way: Instead of appling same rendering for all your fields, your template will create HTML for every field. Custom becomes possible. Limitations : This option applies on the whole component. When you want to explode the form for only one page, then pick-up manually the generated template file and include it in your current component. Concerned files : form templates files : views/singular/tmpl/singular_form.php FeaturesCook write only the strict necessary. If your component is small, it is possible that the helpers, and classes files does not contains some functions you know already for your other components. This is normal. If you want that your component includes all possibles features known by Cook technology, then choose 'All features'. Limitations : JDom is always furnished full. But often you do nor use all. TodoIt is possible to include a small line in every pages that you will remove manually once you have finished to custom your template. This feature is rendering the Cook cisors with the path of the template file to custom. Timeout loadingThe only limit in Cook is the use of the memory. The bigger is your project, the more it will consume server ressources when generating. If you experiment timeout loading : If your component is not loading in the builder, it means you are reaching the limit. From this point you cannot add anything more to your component. A first solution is to change the timeout loading to 30 seconds. So you can access to the component to be able to split it in parts, and restructurate it to make it lighter. Then you must change back the timeout loading to 20 seconds. for security. If you really still cannot load your component, choose 40 seconds as a last chance to be able to download it at least. Admin can help you when you experiment such limits.
Component filesPreview of the files generated inside your component.
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